Adult Accommodation Pathway: Substance Misuse Recovery & Ex offender Services

Closed 14 Mar 2016

Opened 1 Mar 2016


The Council is proposing to tender for two services: Substance Misuse (SMU) Recovery and Ex-offenders, both new services to start on 1st April 2017.The Council is developing a procurement strategy for the services.


The Housing Commissioning and Partnerships Team (HCPT), which commissions a range of housing related support services known collectively as the Adult Pathway, is proposing that the existing specialist Substance Misuse (SMU) Recovery Service and Ex-Offender Service are considered for tender. The SMU Recovery service comprises 14 units of accommodation based support; the Ex-Offender service comprises 29 units of accommodation based support.

SMU Recovery Service

The SMU Recovery service comprises 14 units spread over two houses.  The aim of the service is to provide a low to medium level of support to 14 residents, male and female, who have experienced problematic use of alcohol or alcohol/drug use and have sought treatment to address these issues.  It will allow residents a limited period of stability, providing an opportunity in a supportive environment for service users to consolidate their recovery and build the skills and support networks necessary to move to fully independent living.  Support provision will usually be for between 9 and 12 months and will:


  • support and prepare service users for options through or out of the Pathway
  • support service users to maintain their abstinence or substance misuse reduction.
  • ensure that those identified with the relevant need receive specialist interventions for their drug and alcohol issues.


Anticipated maximum contract price £101,920 for a period of three years with the option of two annual extensions.

Ex-Offender Service

The Ex-Offender service comprises 29 units spread over two buildings.  The 21 bed, purpose-built premises will deliver high level support in a 24 hour staffed environment. The 8 bed street based property will deliver medium level support.  The aim of the service is to provide high to medium level support across two schemes to 29 male residents with a history of serious offending who may or may not be engaging with services and therefore present a high to medium risk to themselves or others.  Those with lower support needs will not be referred to the service and those who achieve the necessary stability should be referred onto to another service in the Pathway. 

Support provision will usually be for between 12 and 18 months for both schemes. The service will:

  • support and prepare service users for options through or out of the Pathway
  • ensure that those identified with the relevant needs receive specialist and high-level interventions that address their continued offending behaviour
  • encourage service users to address issues that have caused their offending behaviour
  • ensure that those identified with relevant need engage with specialist services, especially in terms of accessing specialist interventions for continued offending behaviour, as well as attendant substance misuse and/or mental health issues.
  • ensure that service users comply with any licence or community order in partnership with offender management agencies

Anticipated maximum annual contract price of £383,466 for a period of three years with the option of two annual extensions.

The council wishes to test the market in relation to the possible procurement of the two services described above as separate lots. Tenderers would be invited to tender for one or both lots.

Market Testing

The Council wishes to undertake market sounding on this proposed tender and therefore would welcome the views of providers on the questions set out below.

Interested parties will not be prejudiced by any response or failure to respond to this soft market testing/sounding exercise and a response to this notice does not guarantee any invitation to participate in any future public procurement process that the Council may conduct.

This notice does not constitute a call for competition to procure any services for the Council and the Council is not bound to accept any proposals offered. The Council is not liable for any costs, fees or expenses incurred by any party participating in the soft market testing/sounding exercise. Any procurement of any services by the Council in due course will be carried out strictly in accordance with the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 and the Public Contracts (Amendment) Regulations 2009 No. 2992.

Any responses provided will not be treated as commercially confidential and may be used by the Council in the final service specifications used for the contracts but no organisation will be individually identified.

We would like to receive feedback on the following areas (see questions) and any other comments that you may have. Organisations will have the opportunity to ask clarification questions on the specifications once the procurement process is underway.

Following this market testing exercise the Council expects to run a procurement exercise with the following key dates (although process planning has not been finalised as yet, so dates may change):





Tender Notice Published


June/July 2016

Tender Deadline

September/October 2016

Evaluation of tenders (may include presentation/interview)

November 2016


Notification of tender outcome

December 2016/early January 2017

New services start

On or around 1st April 2017


If you are interested in this or any of our advertised contract notices, please register on the Councils e-tendering system, eu supply ( ) -register online.

tender will also be advertised on the competefor website.










  • Holborn and Covent Garden
  • King's Cross
  • St Pancras and Somers Town


  • Black and minority ethnic groups
  • Community and voluntary groups
  • Landlords
  • Local groups and organisations
  • Non-service users
  • Other local service providers


  • Business and local economy
  • Community and living
  • Housing
  • Policing and public safety
  • Social care and health
  • Transport and streets