Consultation On The Draft Childcare Sufficiency Assessment Csa 2012

Closed 8 Apr 2011

Opened 28 Feb 2011

Results expected 15 Apr 2011


Since April 2008, the Government has placed a statutory duty on all local authorities to ensure that there is sufficient childcare in their area. This means that all parents and carers should have access to childcare in order to remain in, or return to, work or education.

As part of this duty, all local authorities were asked to carry out a Childcare Sufficiency Assessment Consultation with parents and carers, childcare providers, employers, and other organisations, in order to prepare the draft Childcare Sufficiency Assessment.

The Childcare Sufficiency Assessment brings together a range of information about the supply and demand for childcare in Camden.

The consultation that was carried out was on the final draft of the Assessment.

Why your views matter

The Camden Childcare Sufficiency Assessment aims to develop a clear and concise picture of the demand for childcare in Camden and identify unmet needs in childcare provision in Camden.

We wanted to obtain your views on the final draft of the Assessment.

What happens next

Following the consultation of the final draft Camden Childcare Sufficiency Assessment, the final version of the Camden Childcare Sufficiency Assessment was published in April 2011.

For further information contact the Camden Family Information Service.


  • All Areas


  • Carers
  • Other local service providers
  • Parents
  • Service users


  • Education