Parent Carer Demand Consultation

Closed 2 Aug 2010

Opened 7 Jun 2010

Results expected 31 Mar 2011


Sarah Mayne:




Results are due 31 March 2011





Why your views matter

Every local authority has a statutory duty to carry out a childcare sufficiency assessment at least every three years, to be regularly updated thereafter. In Camden we are about to conduct the second full assessment to be published in March 2011.

The assessment involves looking at the types of childcare available in Camden. This information is very important as it will be used to help the LA to identify gaps in the childcare market and to plan how to address them.  The childcare sufficiency assessment will involve analysing the demand for childcare, mapping the supply of childcare and identifying any gaps in childcare provision within the LA. The process will also involve consulting parents, providers, employers and children to assess the need for childcare in Camden.

We will collect quantitative information from parents using a paper survey and online survey. Parents/carers cannot be identified from the questionnaire and the survey results will be presented in a statistical format.


  • All Areas


  • Parents


  • Community and living