Proposed Closures Of Caversham Childrens Centre And Acol Childrens Centre

Closed 8 Apr 2011

Opened 28 Feb 2011

Results expected 1 May 2011


The Local Government Financial Settlement announced in December 2010 confirmed a 26% reduction in funding for local government. As a result of these severe cuts to public sector funding, Camden Council faces significant reductions in the amount of money it receives from the central government.

Camden relies on central government for 70% of its spending therefore the impact of such a reduction is substantial. This means the council had needed to make difficult yet necessary decisions regarding future spending and prioritisation of services in order to save over £80 million in the next three years.

All the savings proposals within Children, Schools and Families have been made in the context of a set of key principles the underpin our continued vision for children and their families.

As part of the overall savings proposals for early years services, the council proposed that two of the 17 children’s centres in Camden close. The consultation was to seek views as to these proposals and the two centres identified.

In addition to our wish to consult users, we have a statutory duty to do so, under the Childcare Act 2006.

Why your views matter

Children, Schools and Families in Camden proposed to close two Children's Centres in the borough: Caversham, and Acol. 

The proposal was to close Caversham from September 2011 and
Acol from September 2012.

We wanted to find out what your views were on the proposal to close Caversham and Acol Children’s Centres.

What happens next

A final decision on these proposals was made at the Cabinet meeting, 8 June 2011 and a report included the results of these consultations.



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