Prince of Wales Road Cycling and Walking Improvement Scheme Traffic Mangement Order (TMO) Consultation
Between August and September 2018, the London Borough of Camden consulted on proposals for cycling and walking improvements along Prince of Wales Road, between the junctions with Haverstock Hill and Grafton Road. During the public consultation, we received 538 valid responses; 78% in support, 21.6% opposing and 0.4% providing no opinion on whether they supported or objected to the scheme. Of these, 46 responses were received from residents within the consultation area; 61% in support and 39% opposing. Camden Council Officers considered all the responses and, taking on board our policies and objectives, submitted a decision report to the Cabinet Member for Improving Camden’s Environment. On 26 October 2018, the Cabinet Member took the decision to approve this scheme. The decision report can be viewed online here:
We have been working on the detailed design for the scheme and have considered the suggestions and concerns raised during the public consultation. We have made the following changes to the design:
- Changing the 1.5m westbound ‘stepped’ cycle track on Prince of Wales Road to a predominantly, protected cycle lane, of up to 2m wide, at street level (the location of the cycle lane remains the same as the public consultation proposals).
- Continuous footways to be provided at junctions with side roads, in order to provide pedestrian priority.
- Revisions to the cycle cut through at the Malden Road/ Prince of Wales Road junction, to emphasise pedestrian priority through removing the shared space and providing a designated space for cyclists.
- Removal of the proposed cycle cut through at the Prince of Wales Road/ Haverstock Hill junction, to ensure pedestrian priority at this location.
- Relocation of the Prince of Wales Road/ Craddock Street informal, pedestrian crossing to the eastern side of the junction with Craddock Street. In addition, the footway will be built out on both sides of the road to reduce the total crossing distance.
- Removal of four residents’ parking bays on Prince of Wales Road, opposite the junctions with Talacre Road (3 bays) and Ryland Road (1 bay). The removal of these bays is necessary in order to allow access for cyclists, coming from Talacre Road and Ryland Road, into the westbound cycle track. In addition, this removal of parking also frees up a small amount of space for new cycle parking to be provided.
We are currently carrying out the Traffic Management Order (TMO) consultation for the Prince of Wales Road Cycling and Walking Improvement Scheme. This consultation will take place between 18 April 2019 and 10 May 2019. The detailed design for construction of the scheme is subject to the outcome of any amendments following this TMO consultation, and a Road Safety Audit. The TMO consultation drawing is attached below.
Why your views matter
The public consultation carried out in 2018 was a way for the Council to seek views from local residents, businesses, local and statutory groups. However, the legal requirement is to undertake a Statutory consultation. We are now carrying out the statutory, Traffic Management Order (TMO) consultation for the Prince of Wales Road Cycling and Walking Improvement Scheme. This has been done by placing a notice in the newspapers Ham & High and London Gazette detailing proposed changes to parking, loading, waiting or other relevant restrictions. Notices detailing these changes have also been attached to lamp columns along Prince of Wales Road. In addition, we have notified local residents and stakeholder groups about the TMO consultation, through posting a notification letter to the same area that received the public consultation materials by post.
Any person wishing to comment on or make representations to any of the proposed changes should send their comments in writing or email, giving reasons for any objection, to the London Borough of Camden, Supporting Communities, Transport Strategy Service, FREEPOST RSLT-RJBR-TXAA, London, WC1H 9JE OR email, to reach this service by 10 May 2019.
- Haverstock
- Kentish Town
- Councillors
- Residents
- Transport and streets