Consultation on the Greenwood Place proposal

Closed 9 Dec 2011

Opened 5 Sep 2011


We are consulting on proposals to build a new community resource centre at Greenwood Place in Kentish Town.

Our vision for a new community resource centre at Greenwood Place is to provide a space that promotes wellbeing, a good quality of life and independence in a safe and secure environment. We want it to be somewhere that offers flexibility, a greater choice of activities and provides new opportunities for people with social care needs and the wider community.

We think this building would enable us to respond more effectively and efficiently to what service users and the wider community have already told us about the services they want to see now and in the future.

There are lots of opportunities a new centre at Greenwood Place could offer, including:

• Camden’s first Centre for Independent Living;

• Facilities and space that could be used by the whole community such as a cafe, a music room, training kitchen and art studio;

• Flexible spaces which could be hired out by community groups when needed; and

• A building which could be used by social enterprises to provide training and employment opportunities. A social enterprise is a business with a social aim that re-invests any profit back into services or the community.

Why your views matter

Greenwood Place is a former industrial building in Kentish Town.  The proposal, which is subject to the outcome of this consultation and a decision by Cabinet, is to build a new community resource on the site.  The current building is a single storey industrial building of about 2,000m², which is used by the Camden Society to provide a range of support services for people with learning disabilities. The site has lots of development potential and could accommodate a much larger modern building.

The Greenwood Place site could form part of a larger development that includes the Highgate day centre site.  There is potential to redevelop this site to provide additional employment space and new housing which could help pay for the new centre at Greenwood Place. The redevelopment of this larger site would also mean access to the proposed new community resource centre will be improved.

The purpose of this consultation is to find out what you think about the Greenwood Place proposal and what the impact of going ahead with the proposal might be for you.


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Community and living
  • Housing
  • Social care and health