Consultation on the Netley development

Closed 13 Jan 2012

Opened 6 Dec 2011


We are consulting on proposals to redevelop the Netley school site, Surma centre site, and former garages at Woodhall.

The aim is to provide:

  • a new, dynamic and high achieving campus for learning on the Netley school site;
  • new apartments and family housing;
  • redevelopment of the Surma Centre building on Hampstead Road to provide new community facilities; and
  • an improved pathway and public space along Everton Buildings and Prince of Wales Passage.

Why your views matter

The reduction in government funding, including the money no longer available for schools, means that we have to be more innovative in how we make the best use of our buildings and land to improve community facilities. 

The Netley development project is part of a 15 year community investment programme which will work with local people across Camden to identify ways to unlock the social and economic value of some of the borough’s assets in order to help bring Camden schools up to modern standards, provide new housing and improve community services.

We are carrying out a consultation to gather as many people's views and ideas as possible.


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Business and local economy
  • Community and living
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Housing
  • Social care and health