Lawn Road Consultation

Closed 12 Dec 2011

Opened 24 Oct 2011

Results expected 28 Feb 2012


The Council has identified the site at 32 Lawn Road as a property that is in a poor condition and expensive to maintain. It is proposing to sell 32 Lawn Road.

The sale of the site will help fund the Community Investment Programme, which in turn will assist in enabling the wider regeneration in Gospel Oak.  The site could be used for a private housing development linked to off-site affordable housing provision elsewhere in Gospel Oak. 

The sale of the site will result in the closure of the Fleet Road Community Centre and the Council wishes to determine the impact on the users of the centre and to mitigate the loss of this community facility.

As part of this consultation, the Council is considering alternative and appropriate venues for the provision of community facilities where possible.

Also, please go to for further details.

Why your views matter

We are consulting with local residents, Fleet Road Community Centre users, car park users and local organisations in order to gather views about the potential impact of these proposals.

What happens next

A report on the outcomes of the consultation and summary of responses received will be produced and presented to the Council’s Cabinet in early 2012.

The Cabinet will make a decision on the disposal of the Lawn Road site after consideration of the report. The report will also be available on the Council website.


  • Gospel Oak


  • Community and voluntary groups
  • Disabled people
  • Residents


  • Community and living