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1089 results


    We are writing to seek your views on the proposal to implement secure carriageway cycle parking units (bikehangar) on Goldhurst Terrace. In London there is a growing demand from residents living in high density dwellings (such as high rise flats or large multiple occupancy Victorian housing spread over several floors), with limited space for sheltered secure cycle parking within their properties. Lack of secure long term cycle parking is a deterrent to people using bicycles in Camden. Camden... More
    Closed 28 December 2015
  • St Joseph's School - Proposed Trial road closures during school opening and closing times

    The London Borough of camden is proposing to create a safer and more pleasant environment outside St Joseph’s Primary School at the start and end of the school day. This is following the council receiving complaints regarding inconsiderate parking and safety at school opening and closing times . To address the concerns raised; we are therefore proposing to close the road where Macklin Street meets Drury Lane through the use of signage, and reinforced by removable bollards in the... More
    Closed 21 December 2015
  • Ceremonies Survey

    A survey to evaluate customer satisfaction with the Registration Service Team for wedding ceremonies. More
    Closed 30 November 2015
  • Camden's Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2016-2018

    Camden’s Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) want your views on how health and wellbeing can be improved across the borough. The Camden HWB exists to improve the health and wellbeing of Camden residents and reduce health inequalities across the borough. It brings together leaders across the health and care system to provide leadership on a range of complex challenges which impact on the health of local people. The HWB has developed a new draft Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy – which... More
    Closed 30 November 2015
  • Proposal for a BMX track at Harrington Square Gardens (resident engagement)

    Following high demand and an enthusiastic response to the 2014 BMX Roadshow events in Camden, there is a proposal to establish a BMX facility in the borough. Camden has been working with London charity Access Sport to explore suitable locations and Harrington Square Gardens in Regent’s Park Ward has emerged as a potential site. Camden does not have a cycling-specific facility and we know from our research and outreach activity that there is demand. We also know that BMX Cycling... More
    Closed 25 November 2015
  • Neighbourhood Planning in Mount Pleasant

    The emerging Mount Pleasant neighbourhood forum has applied jointly to Camden and Islington to set the boundary of their neighbourhood area and to be formally designated as a neighbourhood forum, in accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012 . The proposed neighbourhood area falls within both Camden and Islington boroughs. The Council is now seeking views and comments on the applications from residents and other interested stakeholders. All responses must be submitted... More
    Closed 20 November 2015
  • Consultation on Camden's Resident Participation Strategy

    You can request an easy-read version of this survey, or let us know if you need it to be translated into another language. Every 3 years we are required to agree our approach to tenant participation in consultation with tenants. We have been talking to tenants and leaseholders over the past few months and what we are hearing is that you want us to continue to support empowerment and participation at a local level - because you want strong and vibrant communities. Many of you also want... More
    Closed 20 November 2015
  • Camden Safeguarding Questionnaire

    This is a short questionnaire with yes/no answers to check compliance of safeguarding under Section 14b of the Children Act 2004. All schools in Camden (including Independent schools) are asked to complete it. Please ensure that a senior member of staff who has completed Designated Teacher training completes the questionnaire. It should take no more than 10 – 15 minutes to complete and needs to be finished by the end of the day on 4 th September please so that a report can be... More
    Closed 20 November 2015
  • Proposal to introduce a late night levy in the Borough of Camden

    The late night levy (LNL) is a power available to licensing authorities under the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011. It enables the Council in its role as the licensing authority to require all premises in Camden that are licensed to sell alcohol between midnight and 6am, to make a financial contribution towards the costs of policing the night-time economy (NTE). The LNL applies to premises that are licensed to supply alcohol for consumption both on and off the premises. The... More
    Closed 9 November 2015
  • Camden's Gambling Policy under the Gambling Act 2005

    Under the Gambling Act 2005 (the Act) the Council has the power to regulate gambling activity in the borough of Camden. We are required to publish a licensing policy setting out how we will regulate gambling activities. Our current gambling policy is due to expire on 30 January 2016. So that the Council has a published policy in place from 31 January 2016, we intend at this stage to make no fundamental changes and simply re-adopt the current policy. We would like to know what your... More
    Closed 5 November 2015
  • Camden's Licensing Policy under the Licensing Act 2003

    Under the Licensing Act 2003 (the Act) the Council has the power to regulate licensable activity in the borough of Camden in relation to alcohol sales, regulated entertainment and late night refreshment. We are required to publish a licensing policy setting out how we will regulate activities. Our current licensing policy is due to expire on 30 January 2016. So that the Council has a published policy in place from 31 January 2016, we intend at this stage to make no fundamental... More
    Closed 5 November 2015
  • Camden Council and Camden’s Voluntary and Community Sector: Consultation

    The new Camden Council Voluntary and Community Sector Investment Programme 2017-2024: Strategic Partners Fund From 27 January the main Camden website will have details of the Strategic Partners Fund , application forms and Handy Guides to help you complete your application. After a year of engagement events with the voluntary sector, in autumn 2015 the Council held a formal consultation on a proposed new Voluntary and Community Sector Investment Programme 2017-2024. In... More
    Closed 4 November 2015
  • BAM FM Customer Satisfaction Survey

    This is a Customer Satisfaction Survey from the Property and Contracts Service. More
    Closed 31 October 2015
  • Managing and maintaining Camden’s green spaces

    The grounds maintenance survey is now closed. We have been exploring how we can maintain Camden’s parks and open spaces differently in order to reduce costs due to the substantial budget pressures we face across the Council. From Thursday 17 September 2015 to Friday 30 October 2015 we engaged with residents to help inform our future priorities. Thank you to everyone who took part. We received 690 responses to our survey and a summary of the findings is now... More
    Closed 30 October 2015
  • Home Based Short Breaks for Disabled Children

    Market Testing The Council is proposing to carry out a procurement exercise for the provision of Home based Short Breaks for disabled children and young people during 2016. This questionnaire is designed to find out how the service should be modelled and contracted for. Home Based Short Break services are a one to one service delivered by a suitability qualified and experienced short breaks worker to a disabled child or young person. This service can be delivered either from the home... More
    Closed 23 October 2015
  • Free wifi in the Tenants and Residents Association halls and faster mobile / broadband access

    Free wifi in the Tenants and Residents Association halls and faster mobile / broadband access We would like to share what we think is an exciting opportunity for Camden residents and local businesses and we would welcome your feedback and thoughts on the initiative. The Proposal We want to speed up broadband and mobile coverage in the borough, by upgrading the telecommunications infrastructure. We also want to get wifi access on to our estates to give more people access to the... More
    Closed 20 October 2015

    In March 2013, the Mayor of London launched his vision for cycling in London. A major element of the vision is the proposed Central London Cycle Grid – a network of cycle routes through Central London and the City, making it more attractive to people who don’t cycle and safer for the increasing numbers who do. Encouraging more people to cycle is a key objective for Camden Council helping reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality and improve the health of our residents. By the... More
    Closed 16 October 2015
  • Central Somers Town latest proposals Sept2015

    Camden has been consulting on proposals for Somers Town since March 2013. The attached document reports back on the latest proposals for the design, with the changes that have been made in response to comments from the community. These latest designs are what we intend to submit for planning permissions. This is a final opportunity to provide feedback to the project team on the proposals. We will carefully consider all comments received ahead of submitting our planning... More
    Closed 9 October 2015
  • Royal College Street Proposed Walking and Cycling Improvements

    In August 2013, Camden Council upgraded Royal College Street between Crowndale Road and Baynes Street to make it safer and more attractive for walking and cycling. The changes included providing wide protected cycle lanes (on the east and west side of the street) and better crossings for pedestrians. The Council has monitored the impacts of the improvements and also undertaken on-street interviews to find out the views of residents, visitors and commuters. Our data shows that cycling has... More
    Closed 4 October 2015
  • Building Control Customer Satisfaction Survey 2015

    Building Control is a traded service that competes in the open market to provide the building regulation service for every building project. The service is customer focused and responds to the changing needs of its customers. The building control team ensures that building work meets specific requirements relating to health and safety, energy conservation, access and facilities for disabled people. Building Control also carries out a dangerous structure service 24/7 and 365 days of... More
    Closed 30 September 2015
  • Public Space Protection Order Consultation

    The “Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014” was passed last year. The Act makes significant changes to the legislative framework used by local authorities, the police and partners in tackling antisocial behaviour (ASB). The Act introduced “Public Space Protection Orders” (PSPOs) as a new power. PSPOs allow local authorities to design and introduce requirements and prohibitions in regards to a wide range of behaviours. More
    Closed 27 September 2015
  • Basement development survey

    We are gathering information about basement development to inform our planning policies. Basement development is of considerable concern to many residents. The Council has mailed addresses near to where basements have been developed in the last three years inviting them to take part in the this survey. This survey is open to any residents where basements have been developed near their home or work. We would like to hear about your experience of this development and whether it has affected... More
    Closed 21 September 2015
  • Basement development survey - owners

    We are gathering information about basement development to inform our planning policies. Basement development is of considerable concern to many residents. This survey is for those who have built or extended a basement in the last three years. We would like to hear your experiences in developing a basement. Your feedback will help the Council accurately understand the impacts of basement development in the borough. Please note that your contact details will be kept confidential and will... More
    Closed 21 September 2015
  • Belsize Road - Resident Volunteer RfQ

    This is not a market consultation it is a request for quote. Camden Council is seeking to commission a service whereby a staff member will be provided with accommodation at Belsize Road in exchange for, supporting a number of the residents living there. The Council foresee the service to be in place for a two year pilot period. The Council would expect the successful provider to actively engage in the evaluation of the service provided. The successful organisation is required to: ... More
    Closed 11 September 2015
  • School curriculum and IAG provision

    The DfE published a paper in March 2015 on Careers guidance and inspiration in schools that sets out the statutory requirements of the school governing body, these include: Ensuring that all registered pupils at the school are provided with independent careers guidance from year 8 to year 13. Ensuring that the independent careers guidance is presented in an impartial manner, includes information on the range of education or training options, including... More
    Closed 31 August 2015

    Francis Crick Institution Consultation Proposed Public Realm and Road Safety Improvements on Brill Place, Ossulston Street and Midland Road We are seeking your views on the Council’s proposals to improve road safety and public realm on the streets surrounding the newly built development known as The Francis Crick Institute (Europe’s Centre for Biomedical Research) located at 1 – 2 Brill Place adjacent to the British Library. Planning permission for the £650 million... More
    Closed 3 August 2015
  • Mathematics Teaching Confidence Survey post-LS (Year 2 )

    As a condition of the funding for the programme, we have been asked to identify how the programme has helped teachers to deepen on their subject knowledge and to strengthen their confidence in teaching mathematics. This is the final survey to assess any changes in your knowledge and/or confidence. Please complete this form by selecting the number that best reflects your level of confidence in teaching each aspect of mathematics. We would like you to identify the name of your school and... More
    Closed 2 August 2015
  • New Mathematics Curriculum Confidence Survey post LS (Year 2)

    As a condition of the funding for the programme, we have been asked to identify how the programme has helped teachers to deepen on their subject knowledge and to strengthen their confidence in teaching the new curriculum. The topics listed below are taken from the new curriculum. Please complete this form by selecting the number that best reflects your level of confidence in teaching each aspect of mathematics. We would like you to identify the name of your school and the year group(s)... More
    Closed 2 August 2015
  • Consultation on changes to early education and childcare and children's centre services

    A borough-wide consultation on changes to early education, childcare and children’s centres is being undertaken by the Council, as part of a new Camden Sure Start approach to services for children aged 0 to five and their families. Building on the principles of the national Sure Start programme, the Council would continue investing £25.5 million a year into providing early years services, limiting savings to £1.5 million. By 2017 Camden Council’s funding from central government... More
    Closed 31 July 2015
  • Cambridge Survey 3

    The survey concerns teachers' professional learning in the context of Lesson Study. More
    Closed 31 July 2015
1089 results. Page 23 of 37