Euston planning brief 2020

Closed 28 Feb 2020

Opened 6 Jan 2020


We have extended the deadline for feedback and comments on the Euston Planning Brief. Have your say before midnight on Friday 28 February 2020.

We have produced a planning brief to guide development above and around Euston station and tracks.

Euston station is changing, with Network Rail, Crossrail 2 and Transport for London thinking about how to design the station, and HS2 preparing for construction.

A fully redeveloped station would maximise opportunities for new homes, jobs, open space and new routes through and around the station to better connect neighbourhoods.

The Planning Brief provides further guidance on the vision set out in the Euston Area Plan, a long-term framework to guide transformational change in the area up until 2031.

We want to hear what you think about our plan for Euston. 

Euston Station Planning Brief

Euston Station Planning Brief summary 

Why your views matter

We have developed the draft Planning Brief for the Euston station area, and want to know what you think.

In 2017 we consulted with the wider community in Camden on the principles for a redeveloped Euston Station Area. Based on your feedback and wider engagement, we have developed a draft planning brief.

We have extended the consultation period for the Euston Planning Brief. You can now have your say by midnight, Friday 28 February 2020.

What happens next

We will use your feedback and comments to refine the planning brief and produce a final version, which we will publish in 2020.



  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Business and local economy
  • Community and living
  • Housing
  • Transport and streets