Camden's Gambling Policy under the Gambling Act 2005

Closed 5 Nov 2015

Opened 9 Oct 2015

Results expected 16 Nov 2015


Under the Gambling Act 2005 (the Act) the Council has the power to regulate gambling activity in the borough of Camden.

We are required to publish a licensing policy setting out how we will regulate gambling activities.

Our current gambling policy is due to expire on 30 January 2016.

So that the Council has a published policy in place from 31 January 2016, we intend at this stage to make no fundamental changes and simply re-adopt the current policy.

We would like to know what your views are.


Why your views matter

Before we can re-adopt the policy, we must consult:

  • The police borough commander for Camden
  • Representatives of gambling businesses in Camden
  • Representatives of persons who are likely to be affected by the Council carrying out its functions under the Act


If the current Gambling Policy is re- adopted we will carry out a full statutory review of the Policy in 2016 and we will carry out further consultation on any future Policy.

Please read the notes carefully before you answer the question and give your view by clicking next to your chosen answer. If in doubt please select the "Don't know" option.

Please note that we must receive your views no later than mid-night on Thursday 5 November 2015 otherwise we may not be able to consider them.

What happens next

The Council will consider the results of the consultation on 16 November 2015 when it will decide whether to re-adopt the current Gambling Policy.


  • All Areas


  • Businesses
  • Community and voluntary groups
  • Council staff
  • Councillors
  • Faith communities
  • Local groups and organisations
  • Other Local Authorities
  • Police
  • Residents


  • Business and local economy
  • Community and living
  • Council and democracy
  • Leisure