Chalton Street market - proposed improvements

Closed 1 Dec 2013

Opened 1 Nov 2013


Chalton Street has a historic market in the Kings Cross area that currently trades on the street during a road closure on Fridays between 9am and 4pm. The Council aims to revitalise the market in order to bring in more customers and make it more successful.

The best way of achieving this is by extending the market so that there are a number of stalls closer to Euston Road, making the market visible to pedestrians walking along Euston Road. Additionally, the road closure and operation days of the market would be extended.

It is hoped that the benefits of extending the market towards Euston Road as well as keeping the market open more days will attract more visitors to local businesses as well as market traders. The changes will also provide benefits to the look and feel of the streetscape along Chalton Street.

Why your views matter

The Council has developed proposals to help to improve the viability of Chalton Street market by increasing its visibility to pedestrians in Euston Road. 

This is your opportunity as a local resident, business or group to let us know what you think. We need your views as this consultation exercise is intended to find out if there is broad public support for the proposals set out in this leaflet.

You can respond to the proposals by 1 December 2013 in two ways.  Either:

Send you comments to London Borough of Camden, Culture and Environment Directorate, Transport Strategy Service, FREEPOST RLZH – UEYC – ACZZ, Argyle Street, London, WC1H 8EQ.  No stamp is required.  

Or, respond by email to

We will only accept one response per household/business/organisation.  Please state your postal address if you want us to consider your views.

What happens next

Officers will consider all responses and make recommendations which will be submitted in a report. While it will not be possible to reply to you individually, all comments will be taken into account. The Assistant Director for Environment and Transport will make a decision whether or not to proceed with the scheme. You will be informed via the council’s website of the outcome of this consultation within three months, where possible.

Under the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, we may not treat your response confidentially, as it will be available for public inspection. Please only write to us about the consultation issue. If you want to comment on any other matter, please use a separate letter.



  • St Pancras and Somers Town


  • Businesses
  • Local groups and organisations
  • Residents
  • Statutory Groups


  • Business and local economy
  • Community and living
  • Environment