Gambling Policy Review Consultation 2015

Closed 29 Jan 2015

Opened 5 Dec 2014


Gambling Act 2005 – Revised gambling policy consultation commences

Camden is reviewing of our Statement of Principles under the Gambling Act (the ‘Gambling Policy’) and would like to take your views into account before making a decision.

We are required to review our policy at least every three years, and our current policy was published in January 2013. Approximately 80 premises are covered by this policy, most being betting shops, with a few amusement arcades and existing casinos. 

We welcome your views, and where appropriate, we will revise the policy to include them. Please bear in mind that the Gambling Act is very prescriptive and prevents us from considering comments of the following nature:

  • moral objections – we can’t consider comments based on a dislike of gambling, or a general view that it is undesirable to allow gambling premises in an area;
  • planning – planning processes must remain separate from the licensing process. We can’t consider planning or building control permissions and/or any planning restrictions;
  • demand – we can’t take into account issues around the demand or need for gambling premises in an area.

Questionnaires are being sent to a range of resident and community associations / organisations, industry and trade representatives


What happens next

The results of the consultation will be put forward to the Licensing Committee, who will take responses in to account when deciding on any changes to the draft policy. The revised Policy after consultation is expected to be formally adopted at a meeting of the full Council on 12thNovember 2012, and will come into effect on the 31stJanuary 2013.


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Business and local economy
  • Community and living
  • Council and democracy
  • Environment
  • Leisure
  • Policing and public safety
  • Social care and health