Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs) and conversion of resident bays to permit holder only bays

Closed 18 Feb 2013

Opened 11 Jan 2013


Camden Council wants to know if you think the Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) hours in some zones should change and whether resident parking bays should be converted to accommodate business scheme B permit holders.

Why your views matter

As part of the Council’s Parking Policy Review (PPR) programme during summer 2012 we canvassed views about days and hours of parking control borough-wide. (For more information about the PPR please go to

This engagement exercise was aimed at local community groups, although individuals were also able to respond.  The intention was to establish whether there were issues about controlled hours in particular CPZs that warranted the Council conducting a full consultation of the CPZs concerned through its CPZ review programme.  Based on the results of this exercise we are now holding a full postal and online consultation in some CPZs to gauge views on specific proposals. 

The PPR programme also proposed that residents’ parking bays should be converted to permit holder bays in zones CA-B, CA-G and CA-H, which would allow business permit holders to park in permit bays across each zone.  The proposal was subsequently deferred due to objections received from residents and the decision was put on hold pending parking occupancy surveys and public consultation.  The surveys have now taken place (summary results are included in this questionnaire), and we would like to hear your views on the proposal. 

Please read all the information before answering all the questions. The deadline for the questionnaire is Monday 18 February 2013

What happens next

Your views on all the questions will be taken into account alongside all other relevant information (such as the number of parking permits issued and the amount of parking spaces available) to help inform the decision making process. 

Due to the anticipated large number of responses it will not be possible to contact respondents directly to questions raised by this consultation.  However, results of the consultation will be made available online at


  • Belsize
  • Bloomsbury
  • Camden Town with Primrose Hill
  • Hampstead Town
  • Holborn and Covent Garden
  • King's Cross
  • St Pancras and Somers Town


  • Black and minority ethnic groups
  • Businesses
  • Carers
  • Community and voluntary groups
  • Councillors
  • Emergency services
  • Faith communities
  • Local groups and organisations
  • Residents
  • Ward Councillors


  • Transport and streets