Fitzrovia area action plan - consultation on working draft of plan

Closed 13 Apr 2012

Opened 24 Feb 2012

Results updated 19 Jul 2013

In response to continued significant pressure for development in Fitzrovia, Camden has prepared an Area Action Plan to help shape the future of Fitzrovia. (The Plan area also includes parts of Bloomsbury). Issues the Plan addresses include balancing the need for residential, institutional and commercial uses, protecting residential amenity and ensuring that development proposals bring real benefits to the area such as open space, housing, community facilities.

In February 2012, we consulted you on a working draft of the Fitzrovia Area Action Plan and some of you submitted your views. The Plan was substantially revised to take account of the views submitted early last year, and a new "Proposed Submission" Plan was issued for consultation from December 2012 to January 2013. In April 2013 we sent the Proposed Submission Plan to the government for public examination by a Planning Inspector, along with all the comments we received on the latest version. In July 2013, the Inspector held public hearings to discuss whether the Plan is sound and if there are other issues that need to be addressed.

There will be consultation in the summer in 2013 on changes to the Plan arising from the public hearings, and the Inspector expects to issue her report in November 2013. We anticipate that the Council will then adopt the Plan so it can be used to make decisions about planning applications in Fitzrovia and the south-western part of Bloomsbury.


Fitzrovia is an area where an established residential community lives alongside a rich mix of activities including commercial, university and health uses. Our overall vision and objectives for the area address the issues and challenges Fitzrovia faces, respond to its character and context and set our aspirations for future development.

Camden Council is preparing an Area Action Plan (AAP) for Fitzrovia in response to continued significant pressure for development in the area. We are now seeking your views on a working draft of the plan.

The Area Action Plan will help to shape the future of Fitzrovia by:

  • addressing the impact of growth on residential amenity and the balance between residential, institutional and commercial uses;
  • developing a shared direction for the area; and
  • coordinating development proposals across a number of significant sites.


We aim to ensure that development proposals bring real benefits to the area, particularly in terms of open space and other public spaces, housing, affordable homes, community facilities and locally produced energy.

What happens next

The Council, working with the Steering Group, will consider the responses received during consultation and engagement on the working draft and amendments will be made to the Plan as required. Once the revised plan is approved by the Council it will be made available for further comments later this year and then submitted to the government for public examination by a Planning Inspector. When approved by the Inspector and adopted by the Council we will use it when we make decisions on planning applications in Fitzrovia.


  • Bloomsbury


  • Anyone from any background


  • Business and local economy
  • Community and living
  • Environment
  • Housing
  • Policing and public safety