Energy Efficiency on Holly Lodge Estate

Closed 27 May 2012

Opened 23 Apr 2012


Camden Council is working with the Holly Lodge Estate Conservation Area Advisory Committee (CAAC) to develop planning guidance for energy efficiency measures.  The CAAC has devised this questionnaire to seek the views of residents on energy efficiency and conservation matters. 

The questionnaire will be available online until Sunday 27thMay.

Thank you for completing this questionnaire. 

Why your views matter

Camden officers are preparing planning guidance in liaison with the Holly Lodge Estate Conservation Area Advisory Committee (CAAC).  The CAAC has decided to produce a questionnaire to seek the views of the residents on the issues of energy efficiency and how it would affect the appearance of the CA.  The results will help them in contributing to the draft guidance, and will help Camden in the drafting of the guidance.

What happens next

Results will be provided to the CAAC who will produce an analysis of them which will be made available on the Holly Lodge Estate website and also on the Camden website.


  • Highgate


  • Anyone from any background


  • Community and living
  • Environment
  • Housing