Improving Camden's Green Spaces
We’re committed to making sure Camden is a clean, vibrant and sustainable borough. We know that the parks and green spaces in Camden are incredibly important and at our recent Citizens’ Assembly on the climate crisis, residents told us they wanted to us to retain and improve public spaces across the borough.
Whether it is a small neighbourhood green space, or a large public open space like Waterlow Park, residents want to see safe, attractive and accessible spaces that everyone can enjoy.
Over the last five years we have been working with our partners to deliver the Camden Green Space Investment Programme 2015 – 2019, which has improved and upgraded many green space sites and facilities across the borough.
Why your views matter
We want to develop a new investment plan for green space in Camden, building on what we have achieved so far by incorporating the views of Camden residents. To do this we need your help.
Over the next month Camden will be asking for feedback from residents, Park Friend’s Groups, Tenant and Resident Associations and partner organisations to hear your ideas and suggestions for investing in the green spaces of Camden. Feedback received will help us develop the improvement plan, alongside assessments of each site which have reviewed their current condition and investment need.
If you would like to discuss a proposed project in more detail please contact
In the meantime we would love to hear your thoughts.
Please help us by answering a brief survey (approx. 3 minutes) about Camden’s green spaces.
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