Licensing Policy Review 2011

Closed 20 Aug 2010

Opened 17 May 2010

Results expected 20 Sep 2010


Licensing policy review team

Results are due 20 September 2010

Why your views matter

To ensure that a range of stakeholders and members of the community participate in and give their views during the preparation of and the content of Camden’s Statement of Licensing Policy to be published on 7 January 2011


  • All Areas


  • Black and minority ethnic groups
  • Businesses
  • Community and voluntary groups
  • Council tenants
  • Disabled people
  • Faith communities
  • Health service users
  • Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups
  • Local groups and organisations
  • Non-service users
  • Other local service providers
  • Residents
  • Service users


  • Transport and streets