Local Safety Scheme Hilgrove Road

Closed 7 Feb 2011

Opened 14 Jan 2011

Results expected 14 Feb 2011


Hilgrove Road is part of a strategic cycle route that joins a multi-arm roundabout consisting of five arms. Many cyclists and pedestrians have raised concerns over fast moving vehicles. The entry and exit points at Hilgrove Road are wide and vehicles often do not slow down when approaching the roundabout, putting other road users at risk.

There have been four accidents on Belsize roundabout between Hilgrove Road and Loudoun Road in a 3 year period to August 2010. All of these accidents involved vehicles colliding with cyclists due to speeding or careless driving.

The aim of the proposed scheme is to reduce vehicle speeds approaching Belsize roundabout from Hilgrove Road and improve road safety, particularly for cyclists.

The consultation was to provide an opportunity for the public to comment on the Council’s proposals to improve road safety on Hilgrove Road and Belsize roundabout.

Why your views matter

Camden Council proposed to raise an existing zebra crossing and build out the footway on the southern side of Hilgrove Road.

Proposal 1 (raised zebra crossing): Raise the existing zebra crossing on Hilgrove Road (close to Belsize roundabout).

  • This would help reduce vehicle speeds approaching Belsize roundabout. It would also improve pedestrian accessibility by providing a step free crossing point.

Proposal 2 (footway build out): Widen the southern footway on Hilgrove Road where it meets Belsize roundabout.

  • This would help further reduce vehicle speeds by changing the angle at which vehicles approach Belsize roundabout from Hilgrove Road. The existing central island markings would be removed which means the available carriageway width will NOT be reduced.

What happens next

The responses from the consultation were fed into a report to the Assistant Director of Culture and Environment to enable him to make a decision whether or not to proceed with the scheme.

If proposals were agreed, the planned raised zebra crossing would be implemented by the end of March 2011.  Should the majority of responses be in favour of both proposals, the footway build out may also be implemented at a later date in 2011.

If you would like further information please contact Public Realm and Transport on either 020 7974 8804 or email matthew.george@camden.gov.uk.


  • Kilburn
  • Swiss Cottage


  • Businesses
  • Council tenants
  • Councillors
  • Local groups and organisations
  • Residents
  • Statutory Groups


  • Transport and streets