Public Consultation - Gospel Oak (School Travel Plan - Road Safety Measures)

Closed 3 Aug 2012

Opened 3 Jul 2012


I am writing to inform you of the Council’s proposal to provide amongst other measures a new raised table with a zebra crossing aimed at providing a safer crossing facility on Savernake Road. The proposed scheme is aimed to address safety concerns raised by the school in relation to the speed of vehicles that frequent Savernake Road whilst also providing a safer crossing facility for the pupils of Gospel Oak School.

Officers met with various representatives of Gospel Oak School as well as the Ward Councillors, and following detailed discussions on their concerns, arrived at a series of measures to address these. These are proposed below and indicated on the drawing overleaf:

¨ Construct a raised table with a zebra crossing to provide a safe crossing facility on Savernake Road. It is proposed to remove the pedestrian guardrail on both sides of Savernake Road between the junction with Mansfield Road and the primary school entrance.

¨ Re-profile the carriageway on Savernake Road, from the junction with Mansfield Road to outside Gospel Oak School. This will involve breaking out the carriageway blocks and resurfacing the road.

¨ Remove the ‘School Keep Clear’ road markings located opposite & outside the school entrance. These will be replaced with the zebra crossing markings.

¨ Remove the ‘School Keep Clear’ road markings located opposite and outside the nursery school’s entrance and replace with double yellow lines. Provide one additional residents’ parking bay outside the nursery school entrance and extend the parking bay on the opposite side.

¨ Remove the pedestrian guardrail from opposite and outside the nursery school’s entrance except for a small section, which will be retained where the children come out of the nursery school.

¨ Build-out the footway on either side and opposite the primary school gate entrance to provide additional footway space. A gate is proposed to be installed outside the primary school entrance. This will act as guard railing except when the school requires access to its playground for deliveries, etc.

¨ The implementation of cycle stands on the east side of the footway close to the primary schools main gate. London WC1H 8EQ

Please note that there will be no loss of residents’ parking as a result of this scheme.


  • Gospel Oak


  • Businesses
  • Councillors
  • Emergency services
  • Local groups and organisations
  • Residents
  • Statutory Groups


  • Transport and streets