Review of our planning policies

Closed 20 Dec 2013

Opened 8 Nov 2013


The Council is starting to review two of the key planning documents that it uses when making planning decisions, the Camden Core Strategy and Development policies and we would like to hear your views.

Much has changed since these policies were approved by the Council at the end of 2010, including:

  • the publication of the Camden Plan, the Council's overall vision for making Camden a better borough;
  • changes to National and Regional policy which include, the National Planning Policy Framework, a revised London Plan and affordable housing changes.


We need to review these key planning documents to make sure that they are up to date, reflect current circumstances and help to deliver our local priorities.  The review will assess how existing policies are operating and how they can be made more effective.

We believe that the Core Strategy and Development policies are generally working well and therefore envisage that many current policy approaches will not require significant change (for example design and heritage).

Why your views matter

We want to know your views at the start of the process so you can help shape the review of our planning policies.

What matters do you think it is important for us to consider when reviewing our key planning policies?

We would particularly like to hear your views on :

  • which of our planning policies could be improved and how?
  • which policies are working well and should be retained?
  • whether any new polices are needed?
  • whether any policies or parts of the plan are no longer needed?
  • what more can our plan do to create the conditions for economic growth and harness the benefits of that growth for the borough and its residents?
  • how can our planning policies do more to contribute to reducing inequalities in the borough?
  • how can our plan contribute further to creating sustainable communities?
  • how can our policies maximise the delivery of genuinely affordable housing and housing in general?
  • should we continue our current approach to protecting employment land or should this be amended (and if so how)?
  • do you think it would be helpful to combine the Core Strategy and Development Policies into a single 'local plan'?


Please complete the online survey below or email your comments to


What Happens Next?

Once we have gathered your views and updated our supporting evidence we will produce a draft ‘ Local Plan’ for consultation and engagement. We expect this to be in the summer / Autumn of 2014. We will then consult on a further draft plan before we submit this for a public examination held by a Planning Inspector.

Should you have any questions about this review then please do not hesitate to contact us.   

We will also keep interested parties updated on progress through our quarterly planning policy newsletters and web pages.

If you would like to be added to our mailing list please contact us at



  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Environment
  • Housing
  • Transport and streets