Rochester Place - Parking Changes Consultation

Closed 18 Nov 2011

Opened 27 Oct 2011

Results expected 16 Dec 2011


The Council consulted on its propsal to make changes to parking in Rochester Place. 

The proposal was to accommodate nine resident parking bays located on the south western side of Rochester Place. This would be done by converting nine redundant doctor’s parking bays and converting a section of redundant yellow line. Other proposals included to accommodate a 10m Car Club parking bay.

Why your views matter

The council has a duty to obtain obtain views from local people on any of the proposed changes and explain how people can respond to the proposals.

Respondents were asked to send their comments in writing to the

Transport Strategy Service

4th Floor

Camden Town Hall Extension

Argyle Street



or email Peter Ashley, Transport Strategy Service

by 18 November 2011.


  • Cantelowes


  • Businesses
  • Councillors
  • Emergency services
  • Local groups and organisations
  • Residents
  • Statutory Groups


  • Transport and streets