St Johns Wood Conservation Area

Closed 16 Jun 2009

Opened 5 May 2009

Results expected 14 Jul 2009

Results due 14 July 2009

Why your views matter

a) assess and identify the special characteristics of the Conservation Area so that these can be given proper consideration by residents and developers when considering proposals for development, and by the council in informing their decision making on planning applications;

b)  to provide guidelines setting out the type of development that will be acceptable in the area so that residents and developers understand the framework within which decisions on planning applications will be taken,  and
c) to provide a clear and structured set of guidelines to the management of the area.   

The consultation is to make residents and other stakeholders in the area aware of the newly produced draft, and to enable them to comment, and contribute information.   Contributions will be considered for inclusion in a final draft which will be put to the Executive (Environment) Sub Group for adoption later in the year.  

When adopted the Appraisal will become a ‘material consideration’ in planning decisions.   


  • Kilburn


  • Anyone from any background


  • Education
  • Environment