Street trading and markets terms and conditions

Closes 3 Oct 2024

Opened 5 Sep 2024


We want current street trading licence holders, businesses, residents and shoppers in the London Borough of Camden to tell us what you think about the proposed changes to our street trading and markets terms and conditions. 

Our current street trading terms and conditions (known as Standard Conditions) have not been updated since 2015. 

We propose changes from 1 April 2025 that will support the ongoing management and development of street trading, and Camden’s ambition for a strong local economy and to create green, clean, vibrant, accessible and sustainable places.

Our street trading and market terms and conditions set how trading should be undertaken in the borough. They are written to protect, licence holders, shoppers, local residents and business in Camden and cover issues like:

  • food safety
  • insurance
  • noise
  • payments
  • circumstances of ill health
  • breaches of conditions

The revised conditions support the aims of Camden's Climate Action Plan by promoting: 

  • the encouragement of reuse and circular economy principles  
  • increased recycling, and improved waste management, storage and disposal practices
  • the use of environmentally friendly alternatives where available e.g. sustainable packaging and bags 
  • measures to reduce smoke and air pollution created by food traders
  • the use of electricity 
  • the use of Council storage facilities - to reduce the need for vehicle use by providing local storage solutions  

Other changes and additions include improvements to the rules on: 

  • controlled advertising
  • expected trader behaviour and maintaining customer confidence  
  • food safety, hygiene, maintenance of electrical and gas equipment and insurance cover 
  • licence succession  
  • the management of the markets and local area  
  • the use and maintenance of council owned Kiosks and equipment

The new rules would also include clearer wording and simpler commodity lists, and will align with other legislation - such as the rules on counterfeit goods and restricted goods. 

See Related Documents below for all the changes (new, deleted and amended rules) to the 2015 terms and conditions. The documents include:

  • all proposed 2025 Terms and Conditions (known as Standard Conditions applicable to Street Trading licences)
  • a comparative table detailing all changes to the 2015 Terms and Conditions
  • a comparative table detailing the updated Penalty Points Scheme (which reflects changes in the terms and conditions)
  • a comparative table detailing all changes to the Commodities List
  • a new Prohibited Goods list

The revised conditions will be on public display at Camden’s Libraries as well. 

You can also view the documents in person at 5 Pancras Square, N1C 4AG. This will be with the Markets team and by appointment only from 9 to 13 September 2024. 

Please email to arrange a meeting with the team.

Please take part in this survey to let us know what you think about the changes. The survey should take around 5 to 10 minutes to complete.

Why your views matter

Section 27 (3) of The London Local Authorities Act 1990 (as amended) states that: 

The borough council may make regulations prescribing standard conditions which they may attach to the licence on the occasion of its grant or renewal.

We are formally consulting on the following:

  • proposals to adopt revised regulations prescribing standard terms and conditions to be attached to street trading licenses for the purposes of the London Local Authorities Act 1990 (as amended).
  • proposals to adopt a revised penalty points system as an enforcement tool for dealing with non-compliances with the standard terms and conditions of trading by licensed street traders
  • proposals to adopt revised commodity categories and rules
  • proposals to adopt a new prohibited goods list

See Related Documents below for these documents

This consultation will be live for 28 days and we are inviting you to submit your comments or representations by taking this survey.

The last date for submitting your comments is 3 October 2024 and no further comments will be accepted after this consultation closes.

On review of the responses to this consultation, the results and recommendations will be reported on to the Licensing Sub Committee who will make a formal decision to implement any revised terms and conditions and proposals. 

It is anticipated that, subject to approval, any revised conditions would take effect from 1 April 2025, with all traders being notified in advance of their implementation.

Give us your views


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Business and local economy
  • Community and living
  • Environment
  • Transport and streets