Closed 4 Jan 2016

Opened 23 Dec 2015


The Council would like to make it easier and safer to walk and cycle in the area to the west of Euston station including Albany Street and Robert Street. Improvements have already been made around the newly redeveloped Netley Primary School and now the Council would like to seek your views on proposals to make Drummond Street safer and more attractive.


This leaflet provides details about road safety and walking improvements on Drummond Street (between North Gower Street and Cobourg Street). Drummond Street is home for many residents as well as popular restaurants and shops serving the local community and visitors.

However, the street has narrow pavements which are sometimes over-crowded and with parking and loading allowed on both sides of the street, it is difficult for people to walk along the pavement as well as safely cross the road.  


The proposals would create more pavement space, introduce safer crossing areas and dedicated areas for parking and loading. These changes have been developed to make Drummond Street safer and more attractive for walking which would benefit local businesses and residents.


The proposed changes are described below and are shown on the plan overleaf:


  1. Convert Drummond Street to ‘one way’ eastbound from North Gower Street to Cobourg Street.


  1. Widen the pavement on both sides of Drummond Street; this is possible as less road space is required if the road is converted to one way.


  1. Introduce a new raised table (the road would be raised to the same level as the pavement to reduce the speed of traffic).This will provide a new level crossing point for pedestrians in the centre of the street.


  1. Creation of two loading bays (on the widened pavement to accommodate deliveries to local businesses). There will be some double yellow line space retained outside 122 Drummond Street to accommodate loading provision on the northern side of Drummond Street.  All paid for parking bays will be retained but some will be relocated to make way for the loading bays.


  1. In order to reduce traffic congestion and improve pedestrian safety no parking or loading would be allowed on sections of the street.


Please note that the proposals will not result in any loss in existing resident parking bays.


Why your views matter

This is your opportunity to comment

We need your views as this consultation exercise is intended to find out if there is broad public support for the proposals set out in this leaflet.


The Council will be pleased to hear your views on this proposal, please respond to this consultation leaflet by 28 December 2015 to the London Borough of Camden, Culture and Environment Directorate, Transport Strategy Service, FREEPOST RLZH-UEYC-ACZZ, London, WC1H 8EQ. Please note no stamp is required and only ONE reply per household, business or organisation will be accepted. Alternatively you can send your response by email to tabrez.hussain@camden.gov.uk . You must give your full postal address when responding to this letter if you want us to consider your views. This consultation has also been published online at consultations.wearecamden.org


While it will not be possible to reply to you individually, all comments will be taken into account. At the end of this consultation exercise, a report will be prepared outlining the comments received and officers’ recommendations. This report will be presented to The Assistant Director of Environment and Transport who will make a decision whether or not to proceed with the scheme. If agreed the proposals will be implemented by summer 2016.



  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Transport and streets