Camden Alcohol Service Tender Opportunity - Market Testing Exercise

Closed 20 May 2014

Opened 8 May 2014


The London Borough of Camden is proposing to tender its Community Alcohol Service to a new contract to start on 1st April 2015.

The proposed procurement for Community Alcohol Service includes the following elements:

  1. Community Alcohol Service
  2. Assertive Outreach
  3. Family and Carers Service / Family Alcohol Service


These services are currently delivered via three separate contracts; we wish to explore future commissioning options via engagement with the market.  This process will inform our procurement strategy.

It is anticipated that the contract(s) will be for an initial period of 3 years with the option for 2 extensions of 2 years each.

Please view the attached document titled 'Camden Alcohol Service Supporting Document' below for further information on the contract and tender opportunity.

Why your views matter

Addressing alcohol misuse is one of the key priorities for Camden Health and Wellbeing Board, Camden Clinical Commissioning Group (CCCG) and Community Safety Partnerships.

What happens next

Feedback from this market testing exercise will be used to shape the procurement process for the tendering of Camden's Community Alcohol Service.


  • All Areas


  • Community and voluntary groups
  • Local groups and organisations
  • Other Local Authorities
  • Other local service providers
  • Statutory Groups


  • Business and local economy
  • Social care and health