Changes to Hostel Rents and Charges

Closed 10 Dec 2013

Opened 3 Dec 2013

Results expected 10 Jan 2014

Feedback expected 14 Jan 2014


We are considering making some changes to the charges for rent and other services in our hostels.  

We are doing this because the rent and amenity charges that we charge at the moment do not cover the actual cost of providing the services, or of maintaining and repairing the properties. We want to provide good quality services, in well maintained buildings that have good quality, modern facilities.  We need to make sure that the Council has enough money to keep the hostels in good condition and to improve and modernise the facilities now, and in the future.

The only way we can do this is to increase the rent we charge, and the charges for other services such as heating, lighting, water and staffing costs. We are only increasing the charges so that we can cover these costs, and will not be making a profit from the extra charges.

Those reciveing housing benefit to pay their rent and charges at the moment, will be able to claim housing benefit to cover the extra costs.  Those who are not reciving housing benefit at the moment may be able to claim housing benefit to cover the extra cost, depending on their circumstances. 


Why your views matter

We want your views on the propsals to increase your rents and charges.



What happens next

Your views may influence the decision on whether to go ahead with the proposals to increase  the rent in your hostel. 


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