Review of current housing service standards and the introduction of the tenancy standard

Closed 20 Apr 2012

Opened 16 Mar 2012


In April 2010 social housing landlords began to be monitored against new national service standards and local offers. From April 2011 our service standards (or ‘local offers’) have been monitored by you – our tenants.

The service standards set targets for those areas of our service that you have told us matter the most to you and outline what level of service you can expect to receive from us.

Why your views matter

We are reviewing the service standards for the next financial year (2012/13) because we want to ensure that they remain relevant, up to date and continue to meet the needs of our tenants.

What happens next

 Your views about the service standards are important to us. Your comments and suggestions will help us to finalise the revised service standards, which will be introduced May 2012.

Feedback from the survey will be provided June 2012


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  • Council tenants


  • Housing