Tenant and Leaseholder engagement strategy

Closed 19 Mar 2012

Opened 21 Dec 2011


The Council’s tenant participation (TP) activities have recently been through a substantial review by the HASC Scrutiny Committee. As a result of this evaluation, the Scrutiny Committee approved a number of recommendations for how tenant participation could be developed. The Council has used these recommendations to develop a new tenant and leaseholder engagement strategy. The strategy will set out how the Council will consult with residents and how they can become involved in shaping the services that the Council provides.

We have already made some amendments to the report, based on feedback from residents and would like to know your thoughts on the revised draft.

We have also included a glossary, which will help to make the documents easier to read.

We would like to know what you think! Please use this group to discuss the proposals and have your say on how we engage with our residents


  • All Areas


  • Council tenants
  • Leaseholders


  • Housing