Sexual health services engagement survey

Closed 29 Mar 2016

Opened 1 Mar 2016


Do you use sexual health services in London – either for contraception or testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections?  

Camden is part of a London wide programme looking at the way that these services are paid for and delivered across the capital. We want to make sure that the new way that we deliver these services work for the people who use them. 

Please complete this short survey to help us understand why people chose to go to the services that they go to and their preferences for how these services should be delivered in the future.  The survey is completely anonymous – we don’t want your name or address.

The findings from this survey will help us to consider how services across the capital will be delivered in the future.  This is not related to the local consultation on the Margaret Pyke Centre, which is being carried out at CNWL (Central and North West London) NHS Foundation Trust who provide the service.

The survey is open until Tuesday 29 March 2016


  • All Areas


  • Black and minority ethnic groups
  • Health service users
  • Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups
  • Local groups and organisations
  • Service users
  • Young people


  • Social care and health