Albany Street - business survey

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Closes 16 Feb 2025

Your servicing and loading

First we need a few details about you,  before getting an understanding about how you are connected to this location.


1. What is the name of your business?
2. What is the address of your business?
3. What is the postcode of your business?
4. What is your email address? If you add your email we will let you know when the full consultation takes place and send you a link to further information.
5. Does your household own, or have available for use, a car or van?
6. Does your commercial property have access, loading and / or passenger drop off requirements?
7. In an average week, how often does your business have access and loading requirements?
8. What times of day does your business have access and loading requirements?
9. Are these access and loading times regular or variable?
10. What type of vehicle do you typically use for these activities? (Select as many as apply)
11. Would support with accessing an electric cargo bike for deliveries and servicing be of interest to your business?
12. If relevant, please provide more detail of any other loading and servicing requirements for your business that has not already been covered above.