Secure Cycle Parking Units - Allcroft Road

Closed 14 Mar 2018

Opened 21 Feb 2018

Results updated 12 Apr 2018

Following the end of the consultation exercise, a report has been prepared analysing the comments received and officers’ recommendations. This report has been presented to the Director of Regeneration and Planning who has made a decision to proceed with the scheme. The report is provided in the link below.



We are writing to seek your views on the Council’s proposal to provide secure cycle parking units (bikehangar) in Allcroft Road.

In Camden there is a growing demand from residents living in high density dwellings (such as high rise flats or large multiple occupancy Victorian housing spread over several floors where space is limited) for sheltered secure cycle parking close to their properties.

We know that a lack of secure long term cycle parking deters some people from cycling in Camden. In order to address this and promote walking and cycling (one of the key objectives of Camden’s Transport Strategy), the Council has started a programme to provide secure cycle parking units in locations across the borough where there is a demand. So far the Council has installed 22 Cyclehoop Bikehangars across the borough, with more secure cycle parking units planned for the coming years as we have over 600 requests received to date. The units are installed on the road and would generally replace a section of single or double yellow line or a parking space.

By introducing these units, cycle parking security for residents will be improved, encouraging to the use of sustainable forms of transport, and helping to reduce traffic congestion on Camden’s streets.

In Allcroft Road, we are proposing the following. This is also shown on the drawing below.

  • Place two or three secure cycle parking units opposite 42 Allcroft Road.  

To achieve this, the following changes are proposed:

  • Remove 4.2m of existing double yellow line
  • Relocate the existing single yellow line.This will result in a loss of single yellow line of approximately 2.4m.
  • Relocate the existing residents’/traders' parking bay. This will result in a gain of residents’ parking of approximately 1.4m


During the previous public consultation for secure cycle parking units, several residents responded that they would like to have a choice on the look and feel of the type of cycle parking unit that would be installed on the street. We are now able to offer you a choice of two different types of units, and are asking you to let us know your preference. To help you decide, we have included key information for each type of unit, one made by Cyclehoop and the second by Asgard.

To ensure the scheme is successful and in line with Camden’s Transport Strategy there is a registration criteria for the user to meet. The criteria prioritise residents that:

·         Live on the street (or adjacent one) where the secure cycle parking unit is proposed;

·         Do not have a Controlled Parking Zone Permit, (or would be prepared to give theirs up);

·         Do not have suitable outside space to store a cycle.


Cyclehoop secure cycle parking unit:

  •  The annual membership fee for a space within a unit is £36.00;
  •  2 units can fit in one 5m parking space, allowing 12 cycles to be parked securely as each unit accommodates 6 cycles;
  • Each unit 1.36m high with a curved profile roof.    


Asgard secure cycle parking unit:

  • The annual membership fee for a single space within the unit is £40.00
  • 3 units can fit in one 5m parking space, allowing 9 bicycles to be parked securely as each unit accommodates 3 bicycles.
  • Each unit is 1.6m high with an angled profile roof.


The above images show both external and internal views of the units. They have reflective strips on the side for safety & visibility at night. If approved, the units will be installed in green colour only.


If approved the units will be installed in May 2018. The Council would take responsibility for the installation of the units, however they would be managed by the relevant manufacture who will maintain the units, the cost of this covered by the annual membership fee.

Who is being consulted?

All affected property frontages inclusive of businesses, local groups, statutory groups and ward councillors.

While it will not be possible to reply to your individually, all comments will be taken into account. At the end of this consultation period, officers will consider all responses received and write a report with recommendations. This report will be presented to the Director of Regeneration and Planning (Supporting Communities Directorate) who will make a decision whether or not to proceed with implementing the proposals.

Under the Local Government Access to Information Act 1985, your consultation response will be available for inspection if required; however, your personal details will remain confidential. Please only write to us with matters associated with this consultation. If you do have any further questions or require clarification about the proposed scheme, please do not hesitate contact Richard Walter on the above contact details.


Why your views matter

The Council will be pleased to hear your views on the proposals as well as any alternative suggestions or objections you may have to any aspect of what we are proposing.

An Equality & Diversity form has been attached that is voluntary for you to complete and send to us with your response via email or using free post address as outlined above. Any information you provide on this form will help us in making an informed decision on the scheme. 

What happens next

At the end of this consultation period, officers will consider all responses received and write a report with recommendations. This report will be presented to the Director of Regeneration and Planning (Supporting Communities Directorate) who will make a decision whether or not to proceed with implementing the proposals.

Under the Local Government Access to Information Act 1985, your consultation response will be available for inspection if required; however, your personal details will remain confidential. Please only write to us with matters associated with this consultation. If you do have any further questions or require clarification about the proposed scheme, please do not hesitate contact Adam Iqbal on the above contact details.


  • Belsize


  • Anyone from any background


  • Business and local economy
  • Community and living
  • Council and democracy
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Housing
  • Leisure
  • Policing and public safety
  • Social care and health
  • Transport and streets