Parking and Healthy Streets Consultation in CA-X, Elm Village, Controlled Parking Zone 2022

Closed 20 Mar 2022

Opened 28 Feb 2022

Results updated 18 Apr 2024

During February and March 2022 we consulted on changes proposed for CA-X, Elm Village, Controlled Parking Zone.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their views. We had over 50 responses and following the consultation, we have made the decision to implement the proposed changes.

The new scheme will now be implemented and a notification is going out to all local residents and businesses. You can read the decision reports relating to this, and our feedback to the consultation responses in the decision report. 

You can also read details on the Traffic Management Order consultation including the responses to any public comments.



We would like your views and those of other stakeholders on your Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) (CA-X, Elm Village) and the “Healthy Streets*” improvements you might like to see in your area. This letter forms part of the initial engagement exercise, which is the first stage of the review of CA-X. It is aimed at informing whether a statutory consultation is required (in May 2022) and if so, the development of options that will be included in it.

As parking controls and Healthy Streets improvements can affect anybody living in or visiting an area, we are seeking the views of everyone who may be impacted by any changes – whether or not you own a car.

Why your views matter

As you may be aware, Rossendale Way, Blakeney Close, Bergholt Mews, Weavers Way, Ploughmans Close, Crofters Way and Reapers Close were not listed in the original Traffic Management Order (TMO) for the CA-X CPZ, which means that we are unable to enforce parking restrictions within these streets.

Figure A below shows CPZ CA-X and the streets not listed on the TMO. We are engaging with you to make sure that we consider stakeholder views prior to making a decision on whether or not to advertise a Traffic Management Order that includes the aforementioned streets.

Additionally, in 2019, we carried out a study for all the CPZs in Camden to determine how they should be prioritised for a review to contribute to meeting objectives of the Camden Transport Strategy 2019-41. The study also identified existing issues in our CPZs and recommended hours of operation to address them. For CA-X, the study recommended extending the current parking controls to between 8:00 am and 7:30pm from Monday to Friday, and adding new controls on Saturdays. This is to address issues of poor air quality and to account for the further housing growth planned for the area which may generate some additional parking pressures through visitor, and freight and servicing trips. We are therefore using the opportunity of this review to seek your views on the study’s recommended hours of control.

Finally, the Camden Transport Strategy (CTS) 2019-2041 commits to delivering the ‘Healthy Streets’ concept across the borough. Further information on Healthy Streets is contained in the Camden Transport Strategy 2019-41, which can be found on the council website. We would like to know whether you wish to have secure on-street bicycle parking (bike hangar) and electric vehicle charge points on your street. This is to facilitate a switch to more sustainable travel and less polluting vehicles, in line with the Camden Transport Strategy. Figure B and C show examples of bike hangars and electric vehicle charge points.

How to respond

Please read all the information in this booklet and submit your answers to the questions by 20 March 2022.

Responses can be submitted in the following ways:

Option 1 Online: submit your response by answering a series of consultation questions and providing your comments on an online form, which can be found using the link below (titled 'Online Survey').

Option 2 Email: You can submit your response to the consultation via email to:

Option 3 Post: Send your response using the following freepost address (no stamp required) FREEPOST LBC TRANSPORT STRATEGY - Only this text is required to reach us.


What happens next

When the consultation is concluded, a report detailing its outcome and recommendations in response to it will be submitted to the Cabinet Member for a Sustainable Camden for a decision. If any changes are recommended and approved by the Cabinet Member, a statutory consultation will be undertaken for them in May 2022. Under this, the changes will be advertised in local newspapers and a letter will be sent to all postal addresses in the CPZ. Any responses received to the Statutory Consultation will be considered by the Director of Environment and Sustainability prior to making the final decision on whether to implement them. 


  • St Pancras and Somers Town


  • Anyone from any background


  • Transport and streets