Draft Camden Transport Strategy

Closed 17 Dec 2018

Opened 2 Nov 2018


We are consulting on a new draft Transport Strategy. We’ve put together a new strategy outlining our vision, objectives and priorities for transport in Camden from 2019 to 2041 and the measures by which we aim to achieve our vision. We want to connect Camden – its residents, businesses, organisations and visitors – by the healthiest, most efficient and most sustainable forms of transport – and in doing so help meet wider goals including improved air quality, personal health, community cohesion, access to opportunities and services, and economic growth.

Our priorities include: increasing walking and cycling, improving public transport in the borough, reducing car ownership, car use and traffic levels, improving the quality of our air, and making our streets and transport networks safe, accessible and inclusive for all.

We’d like your input and want to know what you think of our draft strategy which sets out proposals to improve transport in Camden.

If you are filling out a paper copy of this consultation please send to:  Transport Strategy Service (FAO S. Margolis), 5th Floor 5PS, Freepost RSLT-RJBR-TXAA, London Borough of Camden, Town Hall, London, WC1H 9JE


What happens next

Your views from this survey will be analysed and used to better inform our Transport Strategy. We'll alert you by email when the final version of our Transport Startegy is published. This will include a report detailing the results from the this consultation.


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Transport and streets