Secure Cycle Parking Garlinge Road, NW2

Closed 1 Oct 2019

Opened 10 Sep 2019


Have your Say.

Proposed Secure Cycle Parking Units in Garlinge Road, NW2

We are writing to let you know that Camden Council is proposing to install two ‘bike hangars’  on Garlinge Road NW2.

Residents in Camden have told us that they would like to have more lockable bicycle parking close to where they live. We know that a lack of somewhere to keep a bike safely can put people off taking up cycling. Therefore, the Council is undertaking a programme to provide secure residential cycle parking units in locations across the borough, in line with the Camden Transport Strategy.


What we are proposing to install

We are proposing to remove one car parking space on a residential parking bay, adjacent to the existing car club bay on Garlinge Road, to install;

  • Two ‘Cyclehoop’ secure cycle parking units (providing storage for up to 12 bikes).
  • Each unit is 1.36m high with a curved profile roof (see images below).
  • The annual membership fee for a single space within a unit is £30.00. (Excluding VAT) 


Are you eligible?

The criteria for being able to hire a space in a cycle hangar prioritise residents who:

  • Live on the street (or an adjacent one) where the hangar is proposed; and,
  • Do not have suitable outside space for keeping a bicycle.


The council installs the unit while the manufacturer (Cyclehoop) will maintain the hangar. The cost of maintenance is covered by the annual membership fee.

If approved, the bike hangar unit will be installed in the 2019/20 financial year. 
You can find a plan of the proposals here

 Image of Bikehanger

Image of Bikehanger


This is your opportunity to comment

The Council will be pleased to hear your views on the proposals as well as any alternative suggestions or objections you may have to any aspect of what we are proposing.



Please submit your response to this consultation no later than  01 /Oct / 2019 via one of the following three options below:

Option 1 Online – submit your comments using this online form.

Option 2 Email – submit your comments via email to:

Option 3 Post – submit your response using the following free post address (no stamp required) to Freepost LBC Mailroom, Transport Strategy


Please Note: if you are responding on behalf of an organisation, only ONE reply will be accepted. You must give your full postal address when responding to the consultation if you want us to consider your views.

An Equality & Diversity form has been included that is voluntary for you to complete and send to us with your response via email or using free post address as outlined above. Any information you provide on this form will help us in making an informed decision.

Under the Local Government Access to Information Act 1985, your consultation response will be available for inspection if required; however, your personal details will remain confidential. Please only write to us with matters associated with this consultation. If you do have any further questions or require clarification about the proposed scheme, please contact Richard Riddle/Paul Davis on 020 7974 5071 or 020 7974 2520.


Yours Sincerely

Richard Riddle, Cycling Officer

London Borough of Camden


Why your views matter

We are consulting all properties located close to the proposals, local groups, statutory groups and ward councillors.

While it will not be possible to reply to you individually, all comments will be taken into account. At the end of this consultation period, officers will consider all responses received and write a report with recommendations. This report will be presented to the Director of Place Management  (Supporting Communities Directorate) who will make a decision whether or not to proceed with implementing the proposals.

Our Bikehangars work just like a garage or compound except for the fact that it is much smaller and installed on the street. Users will have a key to access the units and share the space with 5 others neighbours.

How much space does it take up?

One Bike Hangar can store 6 bikes; one car parking space can accommodate 2 hangars = 12 bikes stored securely.

How much does it cost?

Currently a space in a Bikehangar costs around £30 / ex VAT a year. There is also a one off deposit for the key of £25.

Are they popular with the residents?

Yes there normally tends to be more applicants than there are spaces, we have waiting lists in many locations.

What about use in new residential developments?

These units are very popular with architects from around the world as the units are smaller than most cars and do not obstruct light or view from residential units and therefore they can be installed in relatively small pockets of space.

How many can I hire?

A maximum of two spaces can be purchased per household (i.e. two spaces per residential address regardless of which of the residents hold the subscriptions). Where a household has purchased more than two bikehangar spaces, any additional payments will be refunded to the relevant Subscriber’s bank account minus any associated card and/or transaction fees.

How are they managed and allocated? 

Cyclehoop have been instructed to supply and maintain the units on a first come first serve basis.

How are people chosen? 

To ensure the scheme is successful and in line with Camden’s Transport Strategy there is a registration criteria for users to meet. The criteria would priorities residents that:

• Live on the street (or adjacent one) where the bike parking is provided

• Do not have suitable outside space to store a bike

How secure is a Bikehangar?

The secure cycle unit is theft proof with a robust fire–proof steel construction. The door is secured with a 2-point closure with a euro cylinder lock.

The unit has a locking bar inside to increase security. When users register to use the facility they will be provided instructions on how to lock the bikes securely. The management company will monitor the cycle unit which will highlight any instances of crime and vandalism.

Who is responsible for any damage to my bicycle?

The Subscriber uses the Bikehangar at their own risk. The Operator and the Council are not responsible for the loss and/or damage and/or theft of bicycles, locks or other items stored in the Bikehangars

What happens if I lose my key?

In case of loss or theft of an Access Key, the Subscriber must immediately inform the Operator. The Subscriber is responsible for the costs arising from the loss of the Access Key including the creating and issuing of a new Access Key and, if deemed necessary by the Operator, the replacement of all Access Keys for all users.

How do I cancel my subscription?

The user can cancel their subscription using the online cancellation portal at least 14 days before the end of the yearly subscription. Automatic subscription payments will be stopped.

How do you find empty bike spaces?

Cyclehoop have designed an online search and registration tool.

Where can I hire one?

  1. Applications must be made using the online portal to apply for a space via Once you are on this page, you can then click on the area of interest where cycle parking is present


  • Fortune Green


  • Residents


  • Transport and streets