Doric Way Streatery - footway widening for outdoor dining

Closed 12 Apr 2021

Opened 29 Mar 2021

Results updated 7 May 2021

Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their views in the recent consultation on a new temporary Streatery for Doric Way. We had over 40 responses and following the consultation we have made the decision to implement the changes on a temporary basis for up to 18 months. You can read the decision report and our feedback to the consultation responses on our website. Once the Streatery is up and running you can let us know how you feel about the changes and share any ideas for how we could make improvements via our Streateries website. Details can be found below. 



The Covid-19 pandemic has changed how people in Camden live, travel and work. Since the start of the pandemic many of us have been spending more time closer to home, making our neighbourhoods more important than ever. We want our streets to be safe spaces for you to walk and cycle, for children to get to and from school safely and healthily, for businesses to be able to flourish and for you to be breathing cleaner air.

COVID-19 has created new challenges for our local economy and the Council is committed to supporting our local businesses to reopen safely as lock down measures ease. We are working to provide new ways to support and boost our local high streets and town centres whilst keeping them safe and secure for our communities.

Social distancing rules mean that indoor seating, once allowed will continue to be limited. In 2020 the UK Government introduced new legislation to make it easier for businesses to apply for pavement licences for outdoor eating and drinking so that they could continue to trade, but many pavements in the borough are too narrow to allow tables and chairs outside.

During 2020 we set up a Streateries programme to support the hospitality sector so that they could continue to trade, particularly during the summer months. A Streatery is a car free outdoor dining space for restaurants, cafes and other businesses to place tables and chairs and so that pedestrians can pass safely all while maintaining social distancing.

To help the hospitality sector's recovery, we are now reviewing our existing Streateries programme and proposing new locations ready for businesses to use as lockdown eases. It is vital that we consult now to help those businesses across the Borough who need to, have additional space for outdoor dining and take advantage of the Government’s recent extension of the temporary licensing arrangements, so that they can reopen safely as soon as possible after restrictions ease on 12th April, in line with the Government's roadmap out of lockdown.

Why your views matter

We are proposing to implement new temporary Streateries on Great Queen Street and we want people to have a say to help shape the new designs.

We propose to:

-  remove 20 metres of shared loading bay and residents' 'out of hours' parking, outside nos. 37 - 40 Great Queen Street, and

- remove 17 metres of residents' parking space outside nos.32 - 35 Great Queen Street to create a safe space for table and chairs, and barriers placed at the edge of the new space to replace parking.

- relocate the loading bay to the opposte side of the street, outside the Freemasons' Hall, by removing 10 metres of pay by phone parking, and

- convert 20 metres of paid for parking space outside Freemasons' Hall to shared use residents' and paid for parking.

The public space outside nos. 42-44 Great Queen Street will also be available for local businesses to offer outdoor dining, subject to approval of licenses. 

To view the plans and find out more about what this proposal would achieve, click on the links in the Related Section at the bottom of this page.

In line with new Department for Transport guidance, we are now consulting on all new and amended Safe and Healthy Street schemes so that we can engage our local residents, businesses and stakeholders in changes happening on their streets. We want to know what you think about these additional proposals.

We are proposing to implement a new temporary Streatery outside Roti King, 40 Doric Way, and we want people to have a say to help shape the new designs.

We propose to remove 15 metres of paid for parking outside no. 40 Doric Way to create a safe space for tables and chairs, with barriers placed at the edge of the new space to replace parking

To view the plans and find out more about what each proposal would achieve, click on the links in the Related Section at the bottom of this page.

In line with new Department for Transport guidance, we are now consulting on all new and amended Safe and Healthy Street schemes so that we can engage our local residents, businesses and stakeholders in changes happening on their streets. We want to know what you think about these additional proposals.

What happens next

Your views, and those of everyone who contributes to this consultation, will be analysed and considered, alongside relevant data available on the scheme and in light of how the scheme aligns with our current policy objectives, in order to put forward recommendations on whether to proceed with the proposals. A summary of this analysis will be provided in the decision report, and will be made available on the Camden Council website in due course.

If you have any other ideas for improvements to make travel safer and healthier in this area, please go to Safe Travel Camden Map  to make some suggestions.


  • St Pancras and Somers Town


  • Anyone from any background


  • Transport and streets