Kenbrook House Works - Better Homes Survey

Closed 20 Mar 2020

Opened 27 Feb 2020


Kenbrook House Works - Better Homes Survey

We understand that residents have been experiencing issues. We would like you to tell us more about your experience. By answering the questions, your feedback may enable us to investigate and resolve them.

Overview of issues raised

Damp/ Condensation – we have had reports of damp/condensation within the flats. The building is of solid wall construction and therefore where residents have high moisture levels within the flats, it can lead to internal condensation on the outer walls. If you feel your property is affected please visit: Housing Repairs page on the Camden website. And click on the link: Damp and condensation. There you can complete the online condensation survey or contact Camden repairs on 0207 974 4444.

Boxing to heating pipes – in particular places the communal heating pipes are boxed in along the walkways. We are advised that in certain areas the boxing is failing. Whilst there is no current heating replacement scheme programmed, where we have identified this issue we have instructed our contractor to repair.

Stopcock for hot/ cold water – a concern was raised that residents did not have stopcocks to isolate their water in case of a repair or emergency.

Lighting to the block – residents and the TRA have reported that there is concern over the levels of light provided by the existing fittings around the outer aspects of the estate. There is a planned electrical contract to upgrade the lights on the estate and any information gathered from resident concerns will be passed on to the team tasked with this project for consideration.

Below ground drainage – we are aware of issues pertaining to the below ground drainage. Once the current works are completed these will be addressed.


  • Kentish Town


  • Residents


  • Housing