Mansfield Road and Estelle Road Safe and Healthy Streets

Closed 18 Sep 2022

Opened 26 Aug 2022


Proposal to make the Mansfield Road and Estelle Road Safe and Healthy Streets Scheme permanent, including making the parallel zebra crossing (where people on foot and bikes can cross together), motor vehicle traffic restrictions and parking amendments permanent and introducing measures to improve road safety and enhance the public space.

About the Mansfield Road and Estelle Road Safe and Healthy Streets Scheme

In response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and in line with the National Government’s statutory, COVID-19 guidance to local authorities, the London Borough of Camden has introduced several schemes across the Borough to make it easier and safer for people to walk and cycle locally. During the pandemic the Council received several comments via Commonplace (the Council’s engagement platform), regarding the lack of safe crossing opportunities on Mansfield Road, making it difficult for cyclists to navigate between Hampstead Heath in the north and the existing cycle network in the south.

In response, we consulted on and then introduced a trial scheme which upgraded the existing zebra crossing on Mansfield Road at the junction with Estelle Road, to a “parallel” zebra crossing (where people on foot and bikes can cross together). We also made Estelle Road an exit only for motor vehicles onto Mansfield Road, introduced a section of two-way cycle track, widened and realigned the pavements and introduced a section of shared space on the southern pavement. Minor amendments were made to parking on Estelle Road, in order to accommodate this facility. You can read the decision report related to the trial scheme here.

The decision report noted that further consultation on the scheme would take place after around 12 months, following the scheme’s implementation. The trial scheme went live under an Experimental Traffic Order (ETO) in July 2021 and since then, it has been monitored and comments from residents and stakeholders have been received.


During the trial period of the scheme, we have been collecting monitoring data. The headlines include:

  • Cycle volumes on the crossing have increased, particularly on weekdays which saw an average 116% uplift.
  • Traffic has reduced by 34% on Estelle Road.

Table 1 below contains additional motor vehicle flow data for local roads in the area.

Table 1: Estelle Road Daily Average (7-Day) Motor Vehicle Flow (Raw Data)

Traffic Count Location

Pre-Scheme (Dec 20)

Post-Scheme (Apr 22)

% Change

Rona Road north of Savernake Road




Estelle Road north of Hodes Row




Courthope Road south of Savernake Road




What we are now consulting on

Based on the monitoring data, the feedback received from residents/stakeholders via Commonplace and email correspondence and Officer observations during the trial period, we are now consulting on the following measures:

  • Making the trial scheme, including the parallel zebra crossing (where people on foot and bikes can cross together), the exit-only arrangement for motor vehicles from Estelle Road onto Mansfield Road and the parking amendments permanent.
  • Introducing a no-right turn restriction for motor vehicles from Estelle Road onto Mansfield Road, to improve safety for those using the crossing.
  • Raising the Estelle Road/Mansfield Road junction to slow vehicles and provide a level surface for those crossing the road.
  • Upgrading the cycle approaches to the parallel zebra crossing.
  • Introducing other road safety and public space improvements including: widening the crossing and introducing new trees and benches.
  • Removing approximately 8m of 'resident permit holders only' parking on Estelle Road at the junction with Savernake Road to improve road safety, visibility and access for large vehicles such as fire appliances.

Properties on Estelle Road will continue to be accessible by motor vehicle via Savernake Road and motor vehicles will be able to exit Estelle Road by turning left onto Mansfield Road.

To view the scheme plans and the location of the proposed parking bay for removal, please use the links below.

Why your views matter

This consultation will help further inform, alongside monitoring data collected and relevant policies, the Council’s decision as to whether, at the end of the trial period, the experimental scheme should be made permanent, modified (and, if so, whether with or without changes) or allowed to lapse.

What happens next

After the consultation, a decision report considering the consultation responses, relevant policies and other data/information will be produced and published online via our website. Residents and stakeholders will be notified about the outcome and the next steps.


  • Gospel Oak


  • Anyone from any background


  • Transport and streets