Secure Cycle Parking and Pram Storage, St Silas Street Estate

Closed 24 Jan 2022

Opened 3 Jan 2022


Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Survey of Secure Cycle Parking and Pram Storage, St Silas St  Estate

The Council is rolling out a programme of cycle hangar installations across the borough. This is in line with our Transport Strategy which aims to transform transport and mobility in Camden, enabling and encouraging people to travel healthily and sustainably. Our priorities include increasing cycling, reducing car ownership and use, and improving the quality of our air.

Camden would like to ascertain the demand for cycle parking on the St Silas St  Estate.

Examples of the type of cycle hangar currently used in Camden, which could be installed on your estate, are shown here

There is currently a £36 - £40 annual charge per space.

In addition our colleagues in Housing would like to determine the demand for pram storage facilities on the St Silas St Estate, to assess where provision may be needed, and how this can be provided. Therefore we are surveying you to determine both your secure cycle parking and pram storage requirements.



Why your views matter


To ascertain resident's views on cycle and pram parking.

The information we receive will be used to understand the demand for cycle and pram storage. Both, or either, may be installed if funding can be secured and if suitable space can be identified.




  • Haverstock


  • Residents


  • Environment