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1089 results

  • Changing our housing allocation scheme - we want your views

    We are looking at how we allocate social housing (council and housing association homes) in Camden. By law, we must explain in writing who can apply for social housing, who gets priority, and how we are making sure it is allocated to the people who need it most. We do this in our Housing Allocation Scheme. Everyone who applies for housing in Camden goes on a list known as the housing register. Currently over 25,000 households are on the list, and this number is growing each year. On... More
    Closed 15 April 2013
  • Somers Town Neighbourhood Area and Forum Applications

    A Somers Town community group has applied to Camden council to be formally designated as a Neighbourhood Forum and set the boundary of their Neighbourhood Area, in accordance with Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012. The council is now seeking views and comments on the applications from residents and other interested stakeholders. The consultation begins on the 7th March and all responses must be submitted by Friday 19th April 2013 through email to or post to:... More
    Closed 19 April 2013
  • Mount Pleasant regeneration consultation

    Royal Mail are consulting residents, local people and stakeholders on the proposals to regenerate Mount Pleasant. The highlights of the proposed scheme are described by Royal Mail to be: Proposal for a significant mixed use development contributing to the life and diversity of the neighbourhood; The scheme will provide 680 new homes including an offer of approximately 130 new affordable housing units; Provide 20 retail / community use units and 35,000 sq feet of... More
    Closed 26 April 2013
  • Queen’s Crescent Market, Parking and loading changes

    The Council has developed proposals to make Queen’s Crescent market a better place for traders, residents, businesses (shop owners and market traders) and visitors. This leaflet sets out these proposals, and as a local resident, business or group, this is your opportunity to let us know what you think. Residents have told us that they are concerned with the lack of parking especially as a number of trader bays are unoccupied on a daily basis. The proposed changes will therefore help to... More
    Closed 3 May 2013
  • Public Consultation – Highgate West Hill, proposed ped improvements by ‘The Green’

    We are seeking your views on the Council’s proposal to improve the pedestrian facilities on Highgate West Hill, beside ‘The Green’. This will greatly improve walking in Highgate by enabling people to walk to and through The Green between St Michael’s Church and The Grove. At present The Green has a path cutting through it, aligning with St Michael’s Church. However there is no pedestrian access to this path from Highgate West Hill. The footpath from The Grove can be obstructed by... More
    Closed 14 June 2013
  • Edith Neville Primary School and Children's Centre CIP project

    In Somers Town, where the Council owns a large proportion of land, there is much we think we can do to improve the area. In February and April this year we carried out a public consultation which asked you to confirm the regeneration priorities for the area. After a great response you confirmed that the most important priority areas for regeneration in Somers Town are; community safety, education and community facilities, jobs and training, housing, open space and getting about. The... More
    Closed 17 June 2013
  • Electric vehicles and residents

    We would like to find out the level of interest among residents for electric vehicle trials in the community. Please fill in the online survey below to tell us your thoughts and opinions. More
    Closed 30 June 2013
  • Agar Grove regeneration consultation

    As part of the Council’s Community Investment Programme we have been developing proposals for the redevelopment of the Agar Grove estate, NW1. There is a summary of what’s happened so far at In April 2013 we exhibited our architects’ latest designs and would like to know what all the estate’s residents think about these. Please give us your feedback by completing this online feedback form. Questions 7, 8, 9 and 10 refer to the numbered exhibition... More
    Closed 1 July 2013
  • Chester Balmore Housing Development - Proposed area wide improvements

    We are seeking your views on the Council’s proposals to improve the streets around the new Chester Balmore housing development (at the junction of Chester Road and Raydon Street). Chester Balmore is the first new housing project to be developed by Camden Council in over 20 years. The original properties were out of date, expensive to maintain and underused. The new homes are being delivered as part of the Community Investment Programme that aims to provide a mixture of rented homes,... More
    Closed 5 July 2013
  • Grafton Road Timed Closure

    We are aware that some drivers find the existing closure confusing, and they do not understand the signs used. The current signage (shown in Diagram 1) is in the Highway Code and meets the Department for Transport legislation. However, some people do still drive through the closure when the restrictions are in place. To improve compliance, the Council would like to consult on the following options, but have included an option to leave the current arrangement as they are:... More
    Closed 5 July 2013
  • Dartmouth Park Neighbourhood Area and Forum Applications

    A Dartmouth Park community group has applied to Camden council to be formally designated as a Neighbourhood Forum and set the boundary of their Neighbourhood Area, in accordance with Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012. The council is now seeking views and comments on the applications from residents and other interested stakeholders. The consultation begins on the 13 th June and all responses must be submitted by 26 th July 2013 through email to or post to: ... More
    Closed 26 July 2013
  • Studholme Court (Finchley Road, NW3) small site consultation

    We are consulting residents about the proposed sale of a small area of land at Studholme Court, Finchley Road, NW3. Details of the proposal are at /smallsites Please tell us about any views and any concerns you have by completing this online survey. If you do have any views you want us to consider, it’s important that you let us know by no later than midnight on Sunday 25 August 2013. Thank you for taking the time to take part in the consultation, which closed on... More
    Closed 25 August 2013
  • Proposals for Agar Grove regeneration

    We are consulting residents about development proposals for the Agar Grove estate, NW1. Please tell us what you think about the latest designs. The survey questions refer to the numbered exhibition boards which can be seen at Please respond by 30 September. More
    Closed 30 September 2013
  • Camden Community Infrastructure Levy - Draft Charging Schedule

    We are planning to introduce a Camden Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and we would like your views on our Draft Charging Schedule. The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a new charge that local authorities will be able to collect on new developments in their area. It is based on a formula relating to the type and size of development and is collected when planning permissions for new developments are implemented. The funds gathered will be spent on infrastructure within Camden... More
    Closed 1 October 2013
  • Cobden Junction / Mornington Crescent Junction

    This questionnaire is your opportunity to let us know what you think about proposals for the junction at Mornington Crescent known as Cobden Junction. Please refer to the consultation leaflet that was delivered to you or which can be viewed on-line below by clicking on 'consultation leaflet' to open a 'PDF' document. More
    Closed 1 October 2013
  • Street Entertainment Policy

    All forms of street entertainment, commonly referred to as busking, are viewed as an important part of the musical and cultural heritage of the borough, providing a means for new talent to be discovered, while adding to vibrancy and character of the area. However, in recent months Camden has received an escalating number of complaints from residents and councillors regarding disruptive busking activity. Camden believes that nuisance has been caused to local residents and businesses... More
    Closed 4 October 2013
  • Euston Area Plan - Stage 2

    We want your views on the draft Euston Area Plan (EAP). The plan provides a framework for change in the Euston area over the next 20 years, and has been jointly prepared by Camden Council, the Greater London Authority and Transport for London. It seeks to ensure that, whether or not the new High Speed rail link (HS2) goes ahead, despite Camden Council’s strong opposition to HS2, we can get the best possible future for the residents, businesses and visitors to Euston. More
    Closed 7 October 2013
  • Consultation on the proposed expansion of Kingsgate primary school and redevelopment of the Liddell Road site

    Camden’s Cabinet agreed to take forward a proposal to expand the school at its meeting on 18 July 2012. The expansion of the school would require the redevelopment of the Liddell Road light industrial site. The school expansion is needed to help meet the pressing need for primary school places in the north-west of Camden. More
    Closed 15 October 2013
  • Pay and Display Machine Rationalisation

    We want to know your views on our plans to improve our streets and save money by reducing the number of pay and display machines. The aim of this survey is to find out whether and how these proposals could work. Camden has over 800 pay and display machines. As well as taking up space they are costly to maintain and are prone to vandalism and theft. As part of a trial for this proposal some pay and display machines will be out of service from Monday 9 September until Friday 4 October... More
    Closed 18 October 2013
  • Central Somers Town

    Somers Town has a proud history and at the heart of this has always been a strong sense of community. Last year we consulted local people about their priorities for the area. People talked about the need to solve long-term issues with anti-social behaviour and spend money on facilities used by the Somers Town community. Our Community Investment Programme (CIP) now provides the opportunity to put major investment into facilities for the local people of Somers Town. Take a look at the... More
    Closed 18 October 2013
  • Care Bill consultation

    Have your say about how people pay for their care and support in the future. Central government is proposing to change the way people pay for their care and support. The proposals set out in the Care Bill – which is currently going through Parliament – will change the way people pay for, plan and organise their care and support with an emphasis on ensuring there are clear rules about what people are expected to pay and limiting the amount they pay over... More
    Closed 25 October 2013
  • Digital Inclusion in Kilburn

    This survey is designed to find out more about what we can do to help social housing tenants in Kilburn online. More
    Closed 28 October 2013
  • Agar Grove estate redevelopment proposals - October 2013

    Consultation concerning redevelopment proposals for the Agar Grove estate NW1, following consultation event of 2 October 2013. More
    Closed 3 November 2013
  • Fitzrovia Area Action Plan (FAAP) - proposed main modifications

    We are preparing an Area Action Plan for Fitzrovia in response to continued significant pressure for development in the area. The Area Action Plan will help to shape the future of Fitzrovia by: developing a vision for the area shared by the Council, key community groups and key landowners; and ensuring that growth takes place in a way that balances the need for residential, institutional and commercial uses and minimises harm to residential amenity; coordinating... More
    Closed 8 November 2013
  • Council Tax Reduction scheme 2014-2015 consultation

    Camden’s proposals We are proposing a Council Tax Reduction (CTR) scheme for 2014 -2015 that is in line with the needs of the community and incentivises people to get back into work. Before making a decision we are seeking the views of local people and those who may be affected. For more details about the various options and additional information please see: Frequently Asked Questions Background Information Equality Impact Assessment ... More
    Closed 15 November 2013
  • Chalton Street market - proposed improvements

    Chalton Street has a historic market in the Kings Cross area that currently trades on the street during a road closure on Fridays between 9am and 4pm. The Council aims to revitalise the market in order to bring in more customers and make it more successful. The best way of achieving this is by extending the market so that there are a number of stalls closer to Euston Road, making the market visible to pedestrians walking along Euston Road. Additionally, the road closure and operation days... More
    Closed 1 December 2013
  • Revised local area requirements for planning applications

    We have reviewed our local requirements for the validation of planning and other related applications to make sure they are relevant and appropriate to current policies and legislation. Different types and scales of applications require different levels of information and supporting documents to be submitted. Some changes have been made to bring the requirements up to date where changes have been made to planning legislation, policy and guidance. List of proposed changes ... More
    Closed 4 December 2013
  • Changes to Hostel Rents and Charges

    We are considering making some changes to the charges for rent and other services in our hostels. We are doing this because the rent and amenity charges that we charge at the moment do not cover the actual cost of providing the services, or of maintaining and repairing the properties. We want to provide good quality services, in well maintained buildings that have good quality, modern facilities. We need to make sure that the Council has enough money to keep the hostels in good... More
    Closed 10 December 2013
  • Fitzrovia Neighbourhood Planning Area Application

    A Fitzrovia community group has applied to Camden and Westminster council’s to formally set the boundary of their Neighbourhood Area, in accordance with Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012. The council is now seeking views and comments on the applications from residents and other interested stakeholders. The consultation begins on the 31 st October and all responses must be submitted by 13 th December 2013 through email to or post to: Strategic Planning... More
    Closed 13 December 2013
  • Camley Street Neighbourhood Planning Applications

    A Camley Street community group has applied to Camden council to be formally designated as a Neighbourhood Forum and set the boundary of their Neighbourhood Area, in accordance with Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012. The council is now seeking views and comments on the applications from residents and other interested stakeholders. The consultation begins on the 31 st October and all responses must be submitted by 13 th December 2013 through email to or post... More
    Closed 13 December 2013
1089 results. Page 10 of 37