Building Control Customer Satisfaction Survey 3-24

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Closes 30 Sep 2024

Building Control Customer Satisfaction Survey

We value your views on our service as these will help us develop it to suit your needs.

Please answer the following questions by ticking the appropriate boxes.

Space is provided for your comments at the end of the form.

1. Please provide the reference number of your Building Control application. If you prefer you do not have to answer this question but it will be very helpful to us in improving the service if you do.
2. Are you:
3. Overall, how satisfied are you with the way Camden Building Control performed on your project?
4. What was the primary reason for choosing Camden Building Control service?
5. How do you rate the following elements of our Service?
6. Do you have any additional suggestions or comments about our Service?
7. If you would like us to contact you with further details please provide your preferred contact details