Regent’s Park Area – Christ Church Primary School road safety measures

Closed 3 Aug 2012

Opened 3 Jul 2012


Council’s proposal to build out the footway on both sides of Redhill Street near to the entrance to the school. This proposal will help address safety concerns raised by the school in relation to the speed of vehicles travelling along Redhill Street, which makes it difficult for pupils and parents to cross the road on their way to and from school especially as their view of oncoming traffic is blocked by parked vehicles.

Officers met the head teacher as well as the school’s travel plan officer, and following detailed discussions on their concerns, arrived at a series of measures to address them. These are proposed below and indicated on the drawing overleaf:

  • Build the footway out on both sides of Redhill Street, outside the playground entrance to the school. This will allow pedestrians a place to cross where they will be in line with parked vehicles hence have a better view of approaching traffic whilst reducing the distance they have to cross. This will require relocating residents’ parking bays on the street.


  • Reduce the length of the School Keep Clear road markings outside the school’s entrance. This is to ensure that no vehicles park outside the school’s main entrance during school opening/closing times, allowing pedestrian to have a clear view of oncoming traffic.

Please note that there will be no loss of residents’ parking as a result of this scheme


  • Regent's Park


  • Businesses
  • Councillors
  • Emergency services
  • Local groups and organisations
  • Residents
  • Statutory Groups


  • Transport and streets