Consultation on draft Local List and supporting guidance

Closed 20 Dec 2013

Opened 28 Oct 2013



Camden benefits from a rich and varied historic environment, some of which is formally designated, e.g. Listed buildings, and some of which is not but it is nonetheless still important to the character of the local area. A Local List gathers together these 'non-designated' features into one place and helps ensure that their significance is known and taken into account during the planning process.

Camden's draft Local List and accompanying guidance is the result of a series of stages which are detailed at

We are now consulting on the Camden’s draft Local List as well as the accompanying guidance set out in amendments to Camden Planning Guidance 1: Design (both documents are available to download at the bottom of this page).

The consultation period will run from 28th October to 20th December 2013.

Why your views matter

We want your views on the content of the draft Local List and the supporting guidance which sets out what a non-designated heritage assets are, how they are identified and assessed, and what the implications of being a non-designated asset is.

If you click on ‘Online Survey’ you will be able to:

  • comment on the draft Local List (available to download at the bottom of the page),
  • provide supporting information (such as personal stories, maps, photographs) for any of the assets on the draft Local List,
  • comment on the accompanying guidance set out in amendments to Camden Planning Guidance 1: Design (available to download at the bottom of the page), and
  • nominate new buildings, landscapes and features for inclusion on the local list.

What happens next

Following the consultation all responses will be reviewed before any necessary amendments are made to the Local List and supporting guidance. The supporting guidance will then be submitted to Cabinet for adoption before both the Local List and supporting guidance are published (planned for Spring 2014).

Should you have any questions on this consultation or the Local List project then please don't hesitate to contact us.

What happens next

Once the consultation has finished, all responses will be reviewed before any necessary ammendments are made to the Local List and supporting guidance. The supporting guidance will then be submitted to Cabinet for adoption before both the Local List and suporting guidance are published (planned for Spring 2014).

Should you have any further questions then please don't hesitate to contact the Local List team.


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Community and living
  • Council and democracy
  • Environment
  • Leisure