Fitzrovia Area Action Plan (FAAP) - proposed main modifications

Closed 8 Nov 2013

Opened 27 Sep 2013


We are preparing an Area Action Plan for Fitzrovia in response to continued significant pressure for development in the area.

The Area Action Plan will help to shape the future of Fitzrovia by:

  • developing a vision for the area shared by the Council, key community groups and key landowners; and
  • ensuring that growth takes place in a way that balances the need for residential, institutional and commercial uses and minimises harm to residential amenity;
  • coordinating development proposals across a number of significant sites; and
  • ensuring that growth delivers the maximum benefits to the area.


In November 2012 to January 2013, we carried out formal consultation on the Proposed Submission Plan. This is the version of the Area Action Plan that is now being considered by an independent inspector at a public examination.

We then sent the Plan and the public comments off to a Government-appointed inspector for independent examination in April 2013.

As part of the examination in July 2013, there were public hearings and discussions with people who made comments on the Plan.



Why your views matter


In the light of these discussions, the Council has put forward some changes to the Plan.  We would like you to let the independent inspector know your view about the changes. Send us your comments by Friday 8 November 2013 to:


By post to: The Programme Officer,
                    c/o Culture & Environment,
                    London Borough of Camden,
                    6th Floor, Town Hall Extension,
                    Argyle Street,


Your comments will be passed to the independent inspector and to the Council, and they will also be available to the public. The independent inspector will take the proposed changes and your comments about them into account before she sends her final report to the Council. We expect to receive the inspector's report in December 2013.

Note that the three documents (downloadable from this page):

-  Schedule of Main Modifications,

- Schedule of Modifications ((Maps),

- Sustainability Appraisal of Modifications,

can also be viewed at St Pancras Library, Argyle Street, London WC1H 8NN (Monday 9am-7pm, Tuesday-Friday 9am-5pm; Saturday 11am-5pm).

What happens next

Your comments will be passed to the independent inspector and to the Council, and they will also be available to the public. The independent inspector will take the proposed changes and your comments about them into account before she sends her final report to the Council. We expect to receive the inspector's report in December 2013.


  • Bloomsbury


  • Anyone from any background


  • Business and local economy
  • Community and living
  • Environment
  • Housing
  • Policing and public safety