Maple Place Proposed Footway & Parking Measures

Closed 24 Sep 2012

Opened 22 Aug 2012

Results expected 15 Oct 2012


We are seeking your views on the Council’s proposal to introduce a new footway and change the existing parking layout in Maple Place.

These changes are required as part of a new development in Maple Place.

The Council proposes to construct a 1.2 metre wide footway to service the main entrance of 1-8 Maple Place, which includes provision of a dropped kerb for wheelchair access and the following measures are proposed to replace the existing measures which are two 2.5 metre motorcycle bays and 15 metres of resident’s parking space:

1. A 10 metre residents parking bay (space for 2 cars) within the existing CA-E Zone hours (Mon – Sat, 08.30 – 18.30)

2. A 10 metre shared use pay & display/residents bay, for use by both residents and visitors. The bay would operate within the CA-E controlled parking zone hours.

3. A 6 metre motorcycle bay would be introduced which consolidates the two existing 2.5 metre motorcycle bays.


  • Bloomsbury


  • Businesses
  • Councillors
  • Emergency services
  • Local groups and organisations
  • Residents
  • Statutory Groups


  • Transport and streets