Women's Safety Survey 2024

Closed 7 Oct 2024

Opened 8 Jul 2024


We want Camden to be a safe place for everyone, but sadly, we know too many women don’t feel safe when they’re out and about on our streets.

We’d like to hear the experiences of women and girls in Camden to understand how safe you feel living, working and travelling in our borough.

The survey should take up to five to six minutes and will build on the work from our first survey in 2022.

Please note that some of the content may be upsetting or triggering. If you are experiencing any form of abuse or harassment, please know that help and support is available. To find out more visit camden.gov.uk/womens-safety

All response are confidential and viewed as anonymous but please do provide your email if you wish for updates, including the results of the survey and the actions/interventions we have considered going forward.

Why your views matter

The results from this survey will help us to continue to build on the work achieved from the findings of our very first women’s safety survey introduced in 2022. The findings helped inform us of concerns across the borough, it identified people’s priorities and how we could make improvements. Your feedback helped support some of our current interventions, including increasing community reassurance patrols in the night time economy by 40% and introducing new walkabout locations to identify community concerns, local priorities and harm at the neighbourhood level.

Since the 2022 survey we have conducted a number of women’s safety walkabouts including West Hampstead, Camden Town, Holborn and Covent Garden and St Pancras and Somers Town.

What happens next

Following the closure of the survey we will carry out analysis on any feedback and make a report of key findings. These key findings will help support any decisions or actions relating to women's safety. We will then aim to have this published on our webpage or provide feedback to those who provided their email on the survey.

To find out more details please go to https://www.camden.gov.uk/womens-safety


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Policing and public safety