Green Mobility Hubs Phase 1 - Somers Town Safe and Healthy Streets Consultation

Closed 17 Oct 2023

Opened 26 Sep 2023

Results updated 16 Apr 2024

During September/October 2023 we consulted on Green Mobility Hubs proposed for Goldington Crescent, Cranleigh Street, and Charrington Street.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their views. We had over 45 responses and following the consultation, we have made the decision to implement the proposed changes.

The changes will now be implemented and a notification (PDF) has gone to all local residents and businesses. You can read the decision reports relating to this, and our feedback to the consultation responses in the decision report. 




We want our streets to be safe spaces for you to walk and cycle for every day trips, for businesses to be able to flourish, to reduce carbon emissions from road transport and for you to be breathing cleaner air. We want to ensure that when we invest in our streets it provides a lasting legacy of greener, safer, healthier travel, helping us deliver our wider Transport Strategy objectives.

This consultation includes our proposals to install permanent Green Mobility Hubs on Goldington Crescent, Cranleigh Street, and Charrington Street, as part of the Somers Town Future Neighbourhood 2030 programme funded by the Mayor of London. A map of all the transport projects proposed as part of the Somers Town Future Neighbourhoods 2030 Programme is provided at the bottom of this page.

Please note we will also shortly be consulting on changes to the Controlled Parking Zone covering Somers Town once this goes live a link will be added here.

Information on other transport projects in the Regent's Park Estate Area and Somers Town area are available on the Euston Engagement Hub Commonplace  and Somers Town Future Neighbourhoods Commonplace .

Why your views matter

At each Green Mobility Hub location, we are proposing some parking bay changes to create space for the new Green Mobility Hub elements. The parking bay changes are summarised in the table below.

Table 1: Summary of proposed parking bay changes for Phase 1 of the Green Mobility Hub scheme

Location Pay by Phone bays Resident Bays Other
Goldington Crescent 6 removed no change Addition of 1 car club bay
Cranleigh Street 7 removed no change Addition of 1 car club bay, 102m of single yellow line converted to double yellow line
Charrington Street 9 removed 5 removed, 5 resident bays to be converted to shared use (paid for parking and resident parking) Addition of 1 car club bay, addition of 1 resident electriv vehicle charging bay, 20m of single yellow line removed, 7m of single yellow line converted to double yellow line

Goldington Crescent

We are proposing the following changes:

  • Existing e-scooter and cycle hire bay to be expanded to a double bay  – you can see an example in our photo guide
  • New car club vehicle and bay to be added – you can see an example in our photo guide
  • Potential space for a potential new shared e-cargo bike bay– you can see an example in our photo guide
  • Adding two bike hangars, which provide secure cycle parking for residents – you can see an example in our photo guide
  • Adding a new Mobility Hub plinth, and wayfinding in the hub - identifying that this hub is part of Camden’s Mobility Hub Network and to help with directions  in the area– you can see an example in our photo guide
  • Adding planting and rain garden features. Rain gardens capture and store rainwater, act as great local habitats for wildlife, and improve the look and feel of an area – you can see an example in our photo guide
  • Adding a drinking water fountain and cycle maintenance stand this would be subject to further investigation as part of the detailed design – you can see an example in our photo guide

Cranleigh Street

We are proposing the following changes:

  • Adding an E-scooter and cycle hire bay, providing easy access to these services and reducing street cluttering by providing a dedicated area  – you can see an example in our photo guide
  • Adding a new car club vehicle and bay  – you can see an example in our photo guide
  • Creating space for a potential new shared e-cargo bike and bay   – you can see an example in our photo guide
  • Adding a bike hangar, providing secure cycle parking for residents  – you can see an example in our photo guide
  • Adding cycle stands for bike parking providing a range of facilities suitable for different vehicles and age groups   – you can see an example in our photo guide
  • Adding a new Mobility Hub plinth, and wayfinding in the hub - identifying that this hub is part of Camden’s Mobility Hub Network and to help with directions and wayfinding in the area – you can see an example in our photo guide Adding planting, greening and rain garden features. Rain gardens capture and store rainwater, act as great local habitats for wildlife, and improve the look and feel of an area – you can see an example in our photo guide
  • A stretch of this hub has been identified for a community project – there is a question on the consultation asking for your views on what you would like to see included here.

Charrington Street

We are proposing the following changes:

  • Adding an e-scooter and cycle hire bay, providing easy access to these services and reducing street cluttering by providing a dedicated area – you can see an example in our photo guide
  • Creating space for a potential new shared e-cargo bike and bay – you can see an example in our photo guide
  • Adding a new car club vehicle and bay – you can see an example in our photo guide
  • Adding electric vehicle charging infrastructure for a resident parking bay
  • Adding two bike hangars for residents providing secure cycle parking for residents  – you can see an example in our photo guide
  • Adding cycle stands for bike parking providing a range of facilities suitable for different vehicles and age groups – you can see an example in our photo guide
  • Adding a new Mobility Hub plinth, and wayfinding in the hub - identifying that this hub is part of Camden’s Mobility Hub Network and to help with directions and wayfinding in the area – you can see an example in our photo guide
  • Adding a ‘Keep Clear’ area to provide emergency access to properties in the surrounding area
  • Adding seating, planting, a tree and rain garden features. Rain gardens capture and store rainwater, act as great local habitats for wildlife, and improve the look and feel of an area – you can see an example in our photo guide
  • Adding a drinking water fountain and cycle maintenance stand – subject to further investigation as part of the detailed design– you can see an example in our photo guide

Some of these locations could include spaces for shared e-cargo bikes. Residents and businesses would be able to hire the cargo bike and use for transporting shopping, passengers (such as children) and/or other goods. The e-cargo bike is looked after by a “host”, who could be a nearby business, or resident, and who is responsible for changing the battery and monitoring the bike.

If you are interested in helping to deliver this service for your community by becoming a cargo bike host please contact us at stating “Mobility Hub cargo bike hosting” and the Hub location you are nearest to. Hosts get 20hrs free use a month and, in some cases, can add branding/advertising to the vehicle.

More information about these proposals is also available in the Information Sheet and scheme design plans that are attached to the bottom of this webpage. We have also attached a photo guide that shows what some of the measures being consulted on would look like.

An illustration of what the proposed changes could look like, showing Goldington Crescent as an example, is provided below and as an attachment at the bottom of this webpage. There is a further illustration of the Cranleigh St scheme also attached at the bottom of this page.

visualisation of a green mobilty hub with bike parking, hire bikes, plants, a car club bay and direction information

To view the plans and find out more about what each proposal would achieve, click on the links in the Related Section at the bottom of this page.

After the consultation, a decision report will be produced and published online, via our website. Local residents and stakeholders will be notified of the outcome. The report will consider a broad range of information including consultation responses, feedback received, relevant policies and other data/information including surveys and monitoring information.

All of this information will be considered in making a recommendation in the report about whether or not to implement the scheme. Should a decision be made to proceed, we would implement the changes under a permanent Traffic Management Order (TMO). If approved for construction, we would then carefully monitor the changes to make sure it operates effectively.

For information on how we will use data collected from this consultation read our privacy statement: Data protection, privacy and cookies - Camden Council

What happens next

After the consultation, a decision report will be produced and published online, via our website. Local residents and stakeholders will be notified of the outcome. The report will consider a broad range of information including consultation responses, feedback received, relevant policies and other data/information including surveys and monitoring information.

All of this information will be considered in making a recommendation in the report about whether or not to implement the scheme. Should a decision be made to proceed, we would implement the changes under a permanent Traffic Management Order (TMO). If approved for construction, we would then carefully monitor the changes to make sure it operates effectively.


  • St Pancras and Somers Town


  • Anyone from any background


  • Transport and streets