Regent's Park Road and Erskine Road Streateries for outdoor dining

Closed 27 Jun 2022

Opened 6 Jun 2022

Results updated 19 Apr 2023

Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their views in the recent consultation on the temporary Streateries on Regent's Park Road and Erskine Road. We had 39 responses and following the consultation have made the decision to continue the Streatery on a trial basis for up to 18 months from the 20th April.

You can read the decision report and our feedback to the consultation responses

If you'd like to make a formal objection you will need to contact us within the first six months of the new trial - by the 20th October 2023. A formal objection must be in writing, must refer to the relevant area and must state the grounds on which it is made.

Your formal objection may become a public document and could be published. Formal objections should emailed to: or by post to:
Freepost LBC TRANSPORT STRATEGY (this is the full address, no post code needed).



The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how people in Camden live, travel and work. We want our streets to have more safe space for everyone to walk and cycle, for children to get to and from school safely and healthily, for businesses to be able to flourish, to reduce carbon emissions from vehicles and for you to be breathing cleaner air.  

To help, we have been making temporary changes across Camden in our Streateries Programme: Streateries change parking bays to spaces in the road for businesses to place tables and chairs for al fresco dining, protected by barriers. This means pedestrians, wheelchair and buggy users can pass safely on the pavement. 

We want to ensure that our streets support a strong recovery from the pandemic and provide a lasting legacy of greener, safer, healthier travel, places for people to spend time and enjoy, and the regeneration of our local town centres and High Streets.  To support this we are consulting on extending some of our existing Streateries for a further 18 months trial period to aid the recovery and long-term success of our town centres and High Streets.

High Streets play a crucial role in community life; they are places where residents, workers and visitors shop, work, socialise, and access culture and services. However, they have been facing a range of challenges in recent years with a shift away from traditional retail to online shopping, accelerated by the pandemic.  In response Camden has developed a Future High Streets programme  to support our high streets into a robust recovery but also reorientate them for a new future role so that they continue to add to community life. Streateries are essential for delivering this vision:  they help to revitalise streets, creating destinations for residents and visitors to meet, socialise and spend time, adding to street life and vibrancy, increasing footfall, and regenerating the wider local economy. 

Why your views matter

Regent’s Park Road and Erskine Road have many cafes and restaurants. The stretch of Regent’s Park Road between Rothwell Street and Berkley Road has about 12 hospitality businesses.  Several streateries were implemented on Regent's Park Road and Erskine Road in 2020 and in 2021.  

We are now proposing to retain the schemes as trials, using an Experimental Traffic Order (ETO) for a further 18 months, to May 2024 (subject to the business securing a tables and chairs licence), and we want to know your views on these proposasl:   

  • Outside no. 49-51 Regent’s Park Road. This outdoor dining space was created from the removal of 2 shared use residents’ and paid for parking spaces.
  • Outside no. 57 Regent’s Park Road. This outdoor dining space was created from the removal of 2 shared use residents’ and paid for parking spaces.
  • Outside no. 71 Regent’s Park Road. This outdoor dining space was created from the removal of 2 shared use residents’ and paid for parking spaces.
  • Outside no. 89 Regent’s Park Road. This space was created from the removal of 3 shared use residents’ and paid for parking spaces.  
  • Outside no. 101 Regent’s Park Road. This outdoor dining space was created from the relocation of one doctor’s bay to outside no. 91 Regent’s Park Road and removed 1 shared use residents’ and paid for parking space.
  • Outside no. 130 Regent’s Park Road. This outdoor dining space was created from the removal of 2 shared residents’ and paid for parking spaces.
  • Outside no. 136-138 Regent’s Park Road. This outdoor dining space was created from the removal of 3 shared use residents’ and paid for parking spaces.
  • Outside no. 146-154 Regent’s Park Road. This outdoor dining space was created from the removal of 7 shared use residents’ and paid for parking spaces.
  • Outside no. 4 Erskine Road. This outdoor dining space was created from the removal of 2 shared use residents’ and paid for parking spaces.

We are also planning to upgrade unsuitable Streateries street furniture to make them more attractive, provide greening and comply with planning regulations where appropriate. 

To view the plans and find out more about this proposal, click on the links in the Related Section at the bottom of this page.

We want to engage our local residents, businesses and stakeholders in changes happening on their streets and to know what you think about these  proposals.

What happens next

After the consultation, a decision report will be produced and published online via our website. Local residents and stakeholders will be notified of the outcome. The report will consider a broad range of information including consultation responses, feedback received during the current trial period, relevant policies and other data/information including any monitoring information collected during the recent trial period.

All of this information will be considered in making a recommendation in the report about whether to proceed with Streateries on Regent’s Park Road and Erskine Road for a further 18 months' trial period.   


  • Camden Town with Primrose Hill


  • Anyone from any background


  • Transport and streets