Abbey Phase 2 construction management plan

Closed 4 Jan 2021

Opened 10 Dec 2020

Results expected 26 Feb 2021

Feedback expected 1 Mar 2021


Abbey Phase 2 includes the new building for the Abbey Community Centre and Belsize Priory Health Centre along with landscaping work to the area around Casterbridge and Snowman towers. Before this work starts we are consulting on the construction management plan.

Why your views matter

The construction management plan sets out how the contractor is planning to go about the work - including vehicle movements in and around the site, hours of work, monitoring of noise and air quality, tree protection measures.

You are welcome to look through the attached document and email your comments
We are holding online consultation events on 17 Dec and 11 Jan (on the updated CMP) see below for details. Please submit your comments at these times.

What happens next

Once the CMP is agreed, the contractor can begin their programme of work. The document is dynamic, so there may be changes to the CMP going forward. Changes are often made in response to feedback from local residents about what is working (or not working) on site.

The CMP is also monitored by Camden's enforcement officers to check that the measures set out in the plan are being followed.


  • Online consultation for Abbey 2 CMP

    From 17 Dec 2020 at 18:00 to 17 Dec 2020 at 19:00

    Email for an invitation to join the online event.

  • 2nd online consultation for Abbey 2 CMP

    From 11 Jan 2021 at 18:00 to 11 Jan 2021 at 19:00

    Email for an invitation to join the 2nd online event to discuss the updated CMP.


  • Kilburn


  • Anyone from any background


  • Community and living