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1089 results

  • Camden Council and Camden’s Voluntary and Community Sector: engagement feedback

    In December 2014, Camden Council started talking to local voluntary sector organisations about how to develop a more strategic relationship with the sector in the light of large reductions in the funding which the Council receives from central government. This conversation was also with a view to agreeing a new investment and support programme for the sector from 2016-2017. We want to develop a strong and sustainable strategic relationship between the Council and Camden’s Voluntary and... More
    Closed 12 July 2015
  • Camden Future Libraries

    By 2017 Camden’s funding from central government will have been cut in half . With less money available we have to find different ways to deliver our library services. We're inviting your ideas on how we could do things differently. Formal consultation on the future of libraries in Camden will begin in July 2015 for 12 weeks. Ahead of this formal consultation period we are interested in hearing your ideas and views on our service. You might have an idea about how we can save money,... More
    Closed 30 June 2015
  • Market consultation on proposed tender of mental health a supported living contract

    LB Camden is consulting on proposals to tender a nine place supported living service that is staffed 24 hours a day. The service would provide accommodation and support to people with complex mental health needs. The provider service would work with clients to draw up a recovery and outcome orientated support plan. All support plans and associated support work would consider (as a minimum), needs / risks / agreed outcomes and the measurement of progress in the following areas: ... More
    Closed 11 June 2015
  • Amendments to Camden Planning Guidance - employment and training initiatives, planning obligations (CENV/2015/18)

    Have you say on proposed changes The Council is consulting on amendments to its planning guidance. Camden Planning Guidance is a set of documents that provides further detail to support the implementation of the Council’s planning policies. We are proposing changes to CPG8 Planning obligations. The main changes are related to employment and training initiatives, including: · Revised triggers for when employment and training initiatives are sought, · updated fees for... More
    Closed 11 June 2015
  • 2013 Exercise Referral exit Survey

    We are interested in your experience whilst taking part in the Camden Exercise referral scheme. We are aware it may have been sometime since you used the Exercise Referral service but please take a few minutes to complete this short survey. The information provided is kept confidential – you have an opportunity to give your name and contact details should you wish towards the end. At the end of the survey you will have an opportunity to enter a prize draw to win an Apple iPod touch 8GB.... More
    Closed 31 May 2015
  • Exercise Referral Survey 2014/15

    We are interested in your experience taking part in the Camden Exercise referral scheme; please take a few minutes to complete this short survey. The information provided is kept confidential – you have an opportunity to give your name and contact details should you wish towards the end. At the end of the survey you will have an opportunity to enter a prize draw to win an Apple iPod touch 8GB. The information provided is kept confidential. More
    Closed 29 May 2015
  • Landlord Survey

    Camden Council is conducting a survey on the availability of properties for the delivery of supported housing services to young people and adults in Camden. There are currently a number of such services delivered through a service provider/landlord arrangement. These services are aimed at those people who require extra support to live independently. This would be an ideal opportunity for you to work in partnership with us to provide much needed More
    Closed 13 May 2015
  • Market Consultation: Mental Health Intensive Supported Living Contract

    Camden Council is consulting on proposals to tender a new service to provide intensive supported living accommodation to people with complex mental health needs. If the Council decides to proceed to tender, the contract will start in the Spring of 2016. It is anticipated that the contract will be for an initial period of 3 years with the option for 4 extensions of 1 year each. We are looking for between 23 and 30 places at an individual cost of up to £670 per person per week. More
    Closed 12 May 2015
  • Late Night Levy for premises licensed to sell alcohol in Camden online consultation

    We are consulting on the introduction of a late night levy in Camden. The late night levy is an annual charge payable by licensed premises open between midnight and 6am as a contribution towards the cost of late-night policing and clean-up. Please take a few minutes to give us your feedback and suggestions before the closing date of Friday 8th May 2015. This will be taken into consideration before a final decision is made on whether to introduce the levy. More
    Closed 8 May 2015
  • Market Consultation: Handyperson and Home Improvement Agency Service

    The handyperson service is a preventative service that aims to demonstrate positive impacts on people’s health and well-being, quality of life, maintaining a sense of well-being and safety and security. The service will reduce risks to people’s independence, preventing them from having to access more expensive and less independent forms of residential accommodation/ hospitals. It also helps to support unpaid carers to maintain their caring role. The Home Improvement Agency (HIA)... More
    Closed 6 May 2015
  • Should landlords need a licence to rent out homes in Camden? - Phase 2 consultation

    This survey was open from 4th September to the 28th November and is now being extended to focus on hearing the views of residents and businesses in areas around Camden. If you have already responded, your view has been captured and there is no need to respond again. We are also keen to hear from Camden residents, landlords and other interested groups who have yet to respond. Camden sits at the heart of the world’s most vibrant city and as such is a popular place to live. With house... More
    Closed 5 May 2015
  • Employability feedback

    Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback is important to us in how we can better improve our service. This survey should only take about 5 minutes of your time. Your answers will be completely anonymous and will be used only to monitor the quality of the service offered to our clients. We'd like you to answer as many of the question as possible. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact us at . More
    Closed 30 April 2015
  • Cambridge Survey - Administration 2

    This consultation is part of the "Higher Order Mathematics & Lesson Study" project. It is a collaboration with the Cambridge University research team and aims to examine teacher perceptions of Lesson Study and teacher learning activities. More
    Closed 30 April 2015
  • Central Somers Town proposals, March 2015

    Improving Somers Town is a key Council priority. Our updated proposals include: new buildings for Edith Neville Primary school new housing, including genuinely affordable homes new landscaped park and open spaces a new community facility including community play - in the heart of Somers Town Please complete the survey by 27 April 2015 More
    Closed 27 April 2015
  • Amendments to Camden Planning Guidance - Design, Housing, Sustainability, and Basements (CENV/2014/42)

    Consultation: Camden Planning Guidance Have you say on proposed changes Camden Planning Guidance is a set of documents that provides further detail to support the implementation of the Council’s planning policies. The Council is consulting on amendments to its planning guidance. The main proposed changes are to: CPG1 Design – updates to the waste and recycling standards, and changes related ensuring disabled access is maintained when reusing materials, CPG2 Housing... More
    Closed 23 April 2015
  • Camden Draft Local Plan Consultation

    Camden Council is reviewing its main planning policies and is now consulting on a draft ‘Local Plan’. This takes into account feedback from initial engagement on our policies, the outcome of a series of evidence studies and national policy and legislation. When finalised, the Local Plan will replace our current Core Strategy and Camden Development Policies documents as the basis for planning decisions and future development in the borough. The draft Local Plan and associated... More
    Closed 17 April 2015
  • Green Action for Change

    We're really keen to hear your thoughts and ideas on the third annual review of our environmental sustainability plan Green Action for Change (GAfC) . GAfC outlines our goals to create a low carbon and low waste borough, and to increase the green actions taken by residents, businesses and schools. This review provides a summary of our progress during 2013/14 and sets out the key actions we’re taking forward during 2014/16 . You can read the review here . Let us know what you think... More
    Closed 15 April 2015
  • Broadfield Lane Community Survey

    This survey asks questions about Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) in Broadfield Lane. The survey is anonymous, so that your identity cannot be established. Your responses will be treated securely, and results will only be available to the Camden Community Safety Partnership. More
    Closed 10 April 2015
  • Housing Allocation Consultation 2015

    By law, we must explain in writing who can apply for social housing and who gets priority. We also must show who qualifies to join the housing register and how we make sure the people in the greatest need are housed. We do this through our Housing Allocation Scheme. The law says we can give priority to certain groups, like overcrowded households, but we have to make sure our scheme works in a fair and balanced way. The current scheme is also not well understood by residents. In a 2009... More
    Closed 5 April 2015
  • Benefit Advice (Welfare Rights, IEYS)

    Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback is important to us in how we can better improve our service. This survey should only take about 5 minutes of your time. Your answers will be completely anonymous and will be used only to monitor the quality of the service offered to our clients. We'd like you to answer as many of the question as possible. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact us at More
    Closed 31 March 2015
  • Short breaks children and young people

    Short breaks are offered by Camden Disabled Children’s Team to disabled children and young people, aged 0 to 18, and their families. They are fun activities provided after school, at the weekend and during school holidays which allow children and young people the opportunity to do something they enjoy, independently from their parents. We think it is important to allocate short breaks in a fair way. More
    Closed 31 March 2015
  • Quiet Streets Initiative: Residents' Feedback Survey

    This survey will form part of a wider evaluation into the effectiveness of the 'Quiet Streets' initiative. 'Quiet streets' is a collaborative project between Camden Council, the Police, and Night Time Economy (NTE) venues, aimed at reducing the noise impact from patrons leaving the NTE venues in Camden Town. The purpose of this survey is to gain a better understanding of the specific NTE noise issues affecting residents, and whether this varies depending on locality. The Community Safety... More
    Closed 31 March 2015
  • Camden Town Night Time Economy (NTE) Survey

    Camden Town has a varied and vibrant evening and night time economy, and the Camden Community Safety Partnership are working to make it even better for those that live or work in the area, and visitors from Camden and beyond. In order to continue to improve the evening and night time economy, we would like to hear what you think could be better, by answering some questions that should only take a few minutes of your time. Any personal information is voluntary, will not be shared... More
    Closed 15 March 2015
  • Weekly Reporting Tool: Camden Town's Night Time Economy

    This short online questionnaire is repeated weekly to capture regular feedback from the residents, businesses, and others affected by the Camden Town night time economy. The data enables the Community Safety Partnership to monitor problem areas for prioritisation and respond to emerging issues. Your feedback is anonymous; however, if you wish to receive a response to a particular issue there is the opportunity to leave your contact details to do so. If you wish to make a specific complaint in... More
    Closed 14 March 2015
  • HS2 Fair Deal for London - Compensation Charter

    The Fair Deal for London Alliance is a group of the capital’s MPs and councils brought together by Camden Council to call on the Government to grant “A Fair Deal for London” on HS2 compensation. In January the Department for Transport announced their final Property Compensation scheme for HS2 phase 1. Of the five compensation measures only two apply to urban areas and yet if High Speed 2 goes ahead it is residents in urban areas that will bear the brunt of the scheme - Camden... More
    Closed 8 March 2015
  • Weekly Reporting Tool: Camden Town's Night Time Economy

    This short online questionnaire is repeated weekly to capture regular feedback from the residents, businesses, and others affected by the Camden Town night time economy. The data enables the Community Safety Partnership to monitor problem areas for prioritisation and respond to emerging issues. Your feedback is anonymous; however, if you wish to receive a response to a particular issue there is the opportunity to leave your contact details to do so. If you wish to make a specific complaint in... More
    Closed 7 March 2015
  • Brunswick Square Gardens park improvements

    High numbers of pedestrians pass through Brunswick Square Gardens each day, all year round. This has an impact on the aesthetics of the gardens and results in unsightly desire lines formed by pedestrians making a short cut through the square. Camden is seeking to inform park users and stakeholders of the planned improvements and inviting comments on the proposed design solutions. You are invited to share your comments on the proposals using this online survey. Please keep in mind that... More
    Closed 6 March 2015
  • London Borough of Camden Adult Social Care: Early Assessment Model Market Consultation

    The guidance and regulations of the Care Act (2014) specifies duties to local authorities on preventing, reducing and delaying needs as well as, specifying a number of ways in which assessments of needs can be completed in a proportionate, person centred way. The London Borough of Camden recognises the vital role that the voluntary sector and other community based organisations play in supporting Camden’s residents. We are therefore developing a commissioning approach to allow... More
    Closed 6 March 2015
  • Request For Quote: Day Opportunities Taster Programme

    Camden Council are seeking an organisation to design and run a taster programme to meet the changing expectations of our service users, by supporting day service users to try out single sessions of community activities in a safe, supported way, without any risk to their current services. The selected organisation(s) will be required to: 1) Provide signposting information on a wide range of local day opportunities which are accessible to older and disabled people and people with dementia... More
    Closed 25 February 2015
  • HASC Qlikview

    HASC invested £100k to develop 9 service level Qlikview dashboards by 31 st March 2015: Rents Repairs ASC Leasehold services Private Sector Housing Temporary Accommodation Group (TAG) Voids, lettings and allocations Homelessness prevention Planned works More
    Closed 19 February 2015
1089 results. Page 24 of 37